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Sorne postulate that there is a
nonphysical component which is
added to the brain to produce this
awesome mind power which so tran–
scends the capabi lities of animal
brain. Among them is Sir John Ec–
cles, one of the world's most experi–
enced brain explorers. With a
worldwide reputation as a Nobel
Prize winner and former president
of Australia's Academy of Science,
his opinion deserves consideration.
"1 believe," he stated, "that there is
a fundamental mystery in my per–
sonal exístence, transcending the bi–
ological account of the development
of my body and my brain."
Bíblica! philosophers had an un–
derstanding of what man's mind ac–
tually is, and they wrote about it in
the Bible. The ph ilosopher Job
wrote, " But there is a
in man"
(Job 32:8). Notice that he didn't say
that man is a spirit. He merely states
that within a human being there is a
nonphysical component, which he
terms spirit.
Another bíblica! philosopher and
scholar, Paul of Tarsus, reveals that
it is this "spirit" component that en–
ables man to
to know
and to have human self-conscious–
ness (1 Corinthians 2: 11).
Today, scientists classify human
beings as
homo sapiens
- "wise–
men," or "man the knowing." More
than anything else it is man's ability
to have self-consciousness that dif–
ferentiates him from the world of
animals. This spirit added to the
human brain imparts the ability to
reason and to produce thoughts.
gives intellect.
This "spirit" is not conscious of
itself, for science has shown us that
man's feelings and emotions origi–
na te in the physical brain.
tions wholly through the brain,
multiplying thousands of times the
powers of tbe material brain so that
humans are infinitely superior to
animals with the same basic brain.
However, it is possible for scien–
tists, m a temporary way through
electrodes and drugs, and perhaps
more permanently through genetic
engineering, to alter human behav–
But scientists are not actually
changing inherent human na ture.
They are only cont rolling man's re–
actions through the brain.
Even if genetic engineering could
induce permanent changes to the
brain, we must ask ourselves
whether these would be good.
Should a person be totally in–
capable of expressing emotions such
as hate? Should he not bate in–
justice, inequity, and other evils?
Would there not be a time when
jealousy, rightly directed, could pro–
tect and preserve a family?
Who is going to determine which
behavior patterns should be elimi–
nated from man's brain? Who is go–
ing to decide who should be allowed
to play God with human nature?
And what of al! the warnings from
scientists who are fearful of the per–
manent damage which nright result
from genetic engineering?
Science seeks to alter the physical
brain so as to regulate human na–
ture. But there is a better way.
Man's problems are basically spiri–
tual. Science seeks to apply a physi–
cal solution, but you can't solve
spiritual problems in a physical
The Bible shows how man can be
changed in a way which does not
restrict bis ability to experience and
express right emotions. This change
wi ll eventually cause men to di rect
the emotions the human brain is ca–
pable of in a way that is beneficia!
and peaceful!
Change ls Possible!
One thing is sure: The world
wants desperately to change!
Peace conferences a re an attempt
to get nations to change. Govern–
ments try to change conditions
wi thin thei r nations - to bring
people out of poverty into prosper–
ity, and to eradicate social injustices
and remove inequality.
At the individual leve!, man
wants to change. Self-improvement
courses by the score are offered to
change the timid into fi re-breathing,
self-confident swashbucklers ca–
pable of facing any person or prob–
lem of life. People want to- change
their inferiorities and inadequacies.
People want to become confident,
uninhibited, and happy. The truth ís
that few are happy with what they
have, where they are, or even what
they are.
It's possible to change human na–
ture from
- by choice -
without impairing any of the capa–
bi lities of the marvelous brain God
has endowed us with.
The Bible is such an authority on
human nature that it even predicts
the future of man's nature!
Here is how the change in human
nature, individual and collective,
wi ll fina lly be effected: "And 1 will
give them one heart, and 1will put a
new spirit within you; and 1 will
take the stony heart out of their
ftesh, and will give them a heart of
ftesh: that they may walk in my stat–
utes, and keep mine ordinances, and
do them: and they shall be my
people, and 1 will be their God"
(Ezekiel 11: 19-20).
Science with all its good in–
tentions cannot effect a lasting, fool–
proof, beneficia! change in human
nature. The change has to be of the
spirit, and such is outside the realm
and capacity of science.
This change can happen to
humans now.
wiU happen to the
whole earth when the Messiah re–
What is the result of such a
change? In bíblica! parlance it's
termed the " fruit of the spirit." The
apostle Paul wrote about it. He said
that this is what can result: "The
fruit of the Spirit is !ove, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temp·erance ..."
(Galatians 5:22-23).
Isn't that, after al!, what the
whole world is seeking?
Instead of science playing God
with human nature, Jet's Jet God be
God, and Jet him change human
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PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1974