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this one basic fact: The
hazardous condition of this
world is a direct product of
the human mind. Its bickering gov–
ernments, its sick societies. its pollu–
tion, and its wars have al! come out
of the human mind.
Science' s Last Gift
Frightening. isn't it, when we con–
sider that the same dynamite used
in quarrying stones to build hospi–
tals for the preservation of lives is
used to blow human bodies to bits
on the battlefield! Both uses are
govemed by the same human mind.
And today, the mind of man has
created weapons which are able lo
annihilate human life from the face
of the earth.
At the close of World War II. just
following the surrender of the Japa–
nese on board the battleship
in Tokyo Bay. General
Douglas MacArthur put his finger
on the leading problem of the
human race - and gave the only
possible solution:
"Men since the beginning of
time," he said, "have sought
peace. Various methods
through the ages have been at–
tempted .... Military al–
liances. balances of power,
leagues of nations, all in
turn failed, leaving the only
path to be by way of the
crucible of war. The utter
destructiveness of war
now blots out this alter–
native. We have had
our Jast chance. If we
will not devise sorne
greater and more equi–
table system. Armageddon
will be at the door."
can humanity devise a better
system? Have not al! possible ways
been tried and found wanting?
MacArthur gave the answer.
man's only hope: "The problem
basically ... involves ... improve-
ment ofhuman character ..."
Mcgraw-Hill 1964, p. 276).
Human nature, the cause of our
problems, needs to be changed!
Former President Dwight D. Eis-
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1974
Startling scientific discoveries
have given rise to hopes that
man's basic nature, a primary
cause of mankind's problems,
can be changed. Wi/1 science
be able to rescue mankind in
his eleventh-hour crisis? Or is
there a better way which
science has not yet learned of?
Charles Hunting
and David Ord
enhower. in his inaugural address.
uttered these fateful words to a
world enamored of science:
"Science seems ready to confer
upon us. as its final gift the power
to erase human life from this
plane t. "
ls it possible that science, which
has given us the ability to destroy
ourselves. can also show us how to
change the human mind? Will
prove to be the material
savior of the human race?
Human Nature Under the
Centuries of philosophical think–
ing and religious dogma have failed
to change human nature.
has re–
mained the same awful nightmare
for thousands of years. ls it possible
that now. in this crisis hour. there
might be through science a solution
for the nature of man?
Listen to scientist Judith Groch's
penetrating analysis of the present
world situation in her book
ond Your Brain,
for which she re–
ceived the Thomas Alva Edison
Award in the field of science:
"Power so vast that it can
swiftly devastate an
obviously can no longer
be managed by old-fash–
ioned quantities of wisdom
and restraint or by a morality
which operates sometimes.
and somet imes not. In a
high-speed era where a
second chance may not
be offered and where
we cannot afford fools
in high places. it
to hope that the growth of
wisdom, understanding.
and cooperation are an inevitable
genetic consequence and that it is na–
ture's intention to rescue us from our
" It
is up to man to help himself."
she says. "Trusting less to chance
and depending more on a growing
of the brain as a bio–
logical organ, man may eventually
learn to use his brain more in–
telligently and therefore more prof–
itably" (p. 209). The study of human