Page 2260 - 1970S

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on earth are in
real trouble
right now!
Recently, revolutionary
trouble struck Ethiopia and almost
overthrew the government. The at–
tackers had all roads in Addis Ab–
aba blockaded and were at Emperor
Haile Selassie's palace.
was only
when they realized they would have
to kill the palace guards, and Em–
peror Haile Selassie too, that they
gave up. Their emperor is held in
much atfection.
The British government was re–
cently turned over - by an election
- to the former Labour government
of Harold Wilson. Britain has been
in deep trouble.
You'll remember how 1 have
mentioned that, a year ago at New
was invited by the ambassa–
dor from Afghanistan to visit his
king and his country. Before I could
arrange to do so, the government
was overthrown, and the king fted in
In August 1 was in Santiago,
Chile, to see President Allende.
Three weeks later, while
was hav–
ing a meeting with President Sulei–
man Franjieh in Lebanon, Chile's
govemment was overthrown and
President Allende shot to death.
Three weeks after that I was speak–
ing at a dinner in my honor in
Bangkok, and the Arab-Israeli war
broke out.
Three weeks after that, a student
riot in Bangkok caused the over–
throw of the government in Thai–
land, and Prime Minister
Kittikachorn had to leave the coun–
try. King Bhumibol appointed as
prime minister the rector of the uni–
versity, who was a guest at the ban–
quet at which I was guest of honor.
Then there was the overthrow of
the premier of Greece.
The government of the United
States has been literally
back on its heels with the Watergate
The whole world, except perhaps
the Arab world, has been suffering
from the
energy crisis.
And that's just hitting a few high
spots. The troubles in this world
Personal from
have mounted up to high heaven!
Never in all recorded history
has there been such worldwide
trouble! I cannot look at this moun–
tain of human woe, suffering and
evils and just shrug it off as if it were
not happening.
There is a propbecy in the Bible
do not feel like ignoring right now.
If that prophecy is not now coming
to pass, we are surely in the prelimi–
nary forerunner of it.
It is in the book of Matthew,
chapter 24, verses 2 1-22: "for then
shall be great tribulation, such as
was not since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever sha ll
be. And except those days should be
shortened, there should no ftesh be
saved ["saved alive" - Moffatt
translation]: but for the elect's sake
those days shall be shortened."
"And at that time (of the end -
Dan. 12:9-10] shall Michael stand
up, the great prince which standeth
for the children of thy people
(Israel]: and there shall be
a time of
trouble, such as never was
since there
was a nation even to that same time:
and at that time thy people shall be
delivered .. . " (Daniel 12: 1).
There is another prophecy that 1
cannot ignore right now, and which,
also, either is happening
its preliminary forerunner is! That is
in the book ofRevelation. Few have
ever understood it. Like the book of
Daniel , it is cloaked in symbol and
has been almost totally misunder–
stood until now.
This book of Revelation is, chap–
ter 1: 1, "The Revelation [which
means the revealing, not the hiding
or concealing] of J esus Christ, which
God gave unto him, to
his servants things which must
shortly come to pass." So, although
it is written largely in symbols, the
Bible explains its own symbols, and
we are in the
and it
now be understood!
In the 12th chapter, it begins by
picturing the nation Israel as a
woman pregnant with the Christ
chi ld, at time of delivery. Satan the
devil is pictured as a great red
dragon, dragging after nim a tnird
of all the angels (who became de–
mons). Verse 4 pictures Satan stand–
ing ready to destroy the Christ child
as soon as he is born. This happened
twice - first , when King Herod
sought to kili the infant child physi–
cally, and second, by Satan alone.
when Jesus was about tliirty. when
Satan sought to destroy Jesus spiri–
tually. Then, verse 5. the Christ
child was born, grew up, and later
ascended into heaven (after bis res–
urrection). Then the symbol the
"woman" refers, since New Testa-
(Continued on page 26)