Methane gas (CH4) is produced when or–
ganic material decomposes without the pres–
ence of air. Though natural gas, which is
mostly methane, has been a common energy
source, it has remained for technology to
develop satisfactory means of capturing
large quantities of pure methane for home
and transport use. Methane is generated in
the abundantly recurring process of organic
decomposition and can be utilized for cook–
ing, refrigeration and even automobile needs.
Gary George - Plain Truth
Man has the technology, the money,
and increasingly the wi/1 to develop
means and methods ofmeeting both his
short-term and long-term energy
requirements. lt i s doubtful, however,
whether the social, economic and
environmental problems are being
considered nearly as thoughtfully as
they should be.
A s the spokesmen of the Arab and
lranian world have reminded us, the
age of cheap energy is over. We must
be more sensible in the way we use
the limited resources presently
available to us. Man mus t develop
power-generating syst ems in a way that
wi/1 ensure future generations a clean,
healthy environment in which to live.
We mus t not in our insatiable demand
for energy condemn our children
to reap a bitter harvest due to our greed.
In the power-short world of today,
is mankind as a whole willing
to consider the consequences of
human actions? That i s the big
question we al/ face!