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poulos, who read Economics and
was president of the Union at
m- ::::.
bridge University: "Liberation ...
is a demand for abolition of wife
and mother, tbe dissolution of the
(The Female Woman,
Miss Stassinopoulos shows that
there is a difference between
genuine emancipation and the de–
mands of Women's Liberation.
"Emancipation," she explains,
"means equal status for diJferent
roles - in our present context,
greater status for distinctly female
roles as wife and mother ...."
God created roen and women
with physical and mental differ–
ences which are not a matter of su–
periori ty and inferiori ty, bu t of
different roles. He intended men
and women to complement each
other so that they might form a bal–
a nced team for the training of
Purpose of the Family
What is one of the primary pur–
poses of the family? The answer is
revealed in the book of the prophet
Malachi in the Bible: "What does
the one God require but godJy chi l–
dren? Keep watch on your spirit and
do not be unfaithful to the wife of
your youth" (Malachi 2: 15,
New English Bible).
The first purpose of the fami ly is
the development of godly children!
The family is not only the ideal for–
mative environment in which babies
should be brought up.
is also
where the character of potential
sons of God can be molded!
In a speech delivered on a recent
visit to the United States, Princess
Grace ofMonaco asked: "What bet–
ter 'thing' of one's own can ooe do
than share in the creation of a new
life, thereafter integrating it into a
loving and wholesome family, and
continuing to guide the formation of
its personality and the moulding of
its character?"
To bring a new life into the world
and to guide its development is a
responsibility and a privilege that
defies human imagination!
MONACO. " What better
' thing' of one's ow n can
one do than share in t he
c reat i on o f a n ew l i te ,
t hereafter i nt egrat ing i t
into a l oving and whol e–
some f amily and continu–
ing t o guide the f ormation
of its personality and t he
moulding of
charact er?"
Family Breakdow n
The Bible actually predicted the
disruption that has come about in
the family today. Notice how accu–
rately the prophet lsaiah foretold
this very time: "And 1will give chil–
dren to be tbeir princes, and babes
shall rule over them. And the people
shall be oppressed, every one by an–
other, and every ooe by bis neigh–
bour: the child shall behave himself
proudly against the honourable"
(lsaiah 3:4-5). There's disrespect for
the older generation today, a com–
plete reversa! of conditions extant in
Westem nations only decades ago
when young people honored and re–
spected the parent population!
Verse 12 reads: "As for my
people, children are their oppres–
sors, and women rule over them."
Yes, women are running many fam–
ilies today, and unruly children are
oppressing our society!
Unhappy husbands and wives are
suffering the penalty of broken laws.
Our children are suffering from in–
security and lack of parental guid–
ance. Our society as a whole is
threatened by the breakdown of the
But at this juncture, when the
very future of the family is in ques–
tion, God has sent his servants to
proclaim to the world the truth
about the awesome purpose of the
family and to restore right family
A M essage About the
Family of God
The prophet Malachi
foretold a
work of God on this earth immedi–
ately prior to the prophetic "day of
the Lord" - the very same time Jesus
Christ referred to in Matthew 24:14.
Notice what message this work would
be proclaíming: "Behold, 1wíll send
you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great and dreadful day
of the Lord: and he shall turn the
heart of the fathers to the children,
and thé heart of the children to their
fathers, test
come and smite the
earth with a curse [Hebrew: utter
destruction]" (Malachí 4:5-6). (That
is the same destruction warned of in
Matthew 24:22.)
God commissions bis servants to
reveal the purpose of the family! To
out God's commission of pro–
claiming the truth about the family,
Ambassador College publishes sev–
era! important booklets and articles
whích are available without charge.
Write for
The Plain Truth About
Child Rearing
and discover how to
prepare children for their future
marriages. Be sure to request also
our booklet
Your Marriage Can Be
Husbands, request our article re–
vealing the true role of a husband
and father. It's entitled " Is There a
Conspiracy Against Fatherhood?"
Wives, ask for our attractive
booklet explaining your role:
Because the world has not under–
stood the purpose of the family or
the laws regulating marriage, bornes
are breaking up as never before. But
marriage was
to be happy!
Family life ought to be fulfilling. A
happy marriage isn' t just for a
PLAIN TRUTH March 1974