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cal Chemistry at Hebrew University
and Chairman of the Central Com–
mittee of the lndependent Liberal
Party, analyzed it bluntly: "1 think
that this has to do with a very basic
psychological attitude of the world
towards the Jews.
cannot otherwise
understand, for example, the atti–
tude of the Vatican. The Vatican
was absolutely silent or even con–
doning whatever went on in Jerusa–
lem between 1948 and 1967. The
Jews had no access to their holy
places. The armistice agreement was
not kept; Jewish holy places were
being destroyed indíscriminately;
the whole Jewish quarter in the Old
City was destroyed. The attitude to–
wards the Christian churches was
not a particularly friendly one, yet
the Vatican was absolutely quiet.
The minute the Jews carne in, the
attitude of the Vatican changed
think this has very,
very deep-seated psychological
components, having little to do with
political reality."
The growing cordiality between
the Vatican and the Arab countries
prompts divergent opinions.
Lebanon's Ambassador Ghorra
says: "The common concern of the
Vatican and of the Arab countries
about the fate of Jerusalem is grow–
ing. And this concem from His Ho–
liness the Pope, from the Vatican in
general, has been voiced on many
Israel's Gabriel Stein comments:
" If
it [Vatican-Arab relations]
should take on an undercurrent of
being an alliance against Israel and
the Jews, it becomes a political in–
volvement tben, and, of course, it
very dangerous implications
According to lsrael's Ezer Weiz–
man: "I wish the Vatican could play
a role in persuading the Arabs to
approach our way of thinking, but
I'm afraid that the Vatican will most
likely just stick to the Christian
problem - and we will most likely
have a confrontation over Jerusa–
"A confrontation over Jerusa–
lem"? "Very · dangerous implica-
tions"? With three of the world's
major religions - as well as the
world's superpowers - in the thick
of it, there are sorne very foreboding
overtones in all of this.
What would be the ultimate sig–
nificance of a religious, political, and
military showdown in Jerusalem?
An Unforeseen Event?
continue to be an optimist in
the face of a perfect basis for the
most pessimistic prognosis because
keep looking for sorne as yet
seen event
that will change the
present progress of relations among
the big powers in the world , a
change that is absolutely necessary
if we're not to face catastrophe
within a short period of twenty to
thirty years!" A doomsday prophet
speaking? No - it's Dr. Albert Sa–
bio, developer of the Sabio polio
vaccine and director of lsrael's pres–
tigious Weizmann Ins titute of
Surprisingly enough, the very rec–
ord which gives the ancient origins
and histories of the Jerusalem of old
also describes such an "unforeseen
event" which will,
in the future,
velop and totally alter the Jerusalem
of today. The book is the Bible -
and the unforeseen event is the es–
tablishment of the govemment of
The Clearest Prophecy
Of all biblical prophecies, the one
most obviously stated and most fre-
quently repeated is this estab–
lishment of God's rule over the
nations. And the focus of this most
momentous event is Jerusalem. Just
before, during, and forever after the
time when the Creator of the earth
sets his hand to control the earth,
the city of Jerusalem will be center–
stage for this the greatest act in all
Prophecies of massive armies
gathered in the valley of Jehosha–
phat, just east of Jerusalem (Joel 3),
military conflict in and around the
city (Zechariah 14:2, Daniel
11 ,
Matthew 24, Luke 21}, religious
confusion of worldwide proportions
in the city (Revelation 11} - all go
to emphasize that the focal point of
world attention
be riveted on
The Creator of all mankind will,
at the last minute, save all mankind
from destroying itself (Matthew
24:22) - and the site of this ulti–
mately historie direct intervention
from God will be Jerusalem (Zech–
ariah 14:4, 12; Acts 1:11-12, Joel3,
Ezekiel 38-39).
Finally, Jerusalem
the capital of the world - a united
world, a peaceful world, a happy
world, a world under God (Zech–
ariah 14:8-21), a world in whicb
both Egypt (Isaiab 19:21) and Israel
shall obey God and be happily and
permanently at peace with each
other (lsaiah 19:23-25).
"And many nations sball come,
and say, Come, and let us go up to
the mountain of the Lord, and to
the house of the God of Jacob; and
he will teach us of
ways. and we
walk in
paths: for the law
shall go forth of Zion, and the word
ofthe Lord from Jerusalem" (Micah
The Mideast is the focal point
of dozens of biblical prophecies.
A summary outline of these as–
tounding prophecies is offered
free to our readers in the article
"The Middle East in Prophecy."
Write for your copy today.
PLAIN TAUTH February 1974