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people uprooted from towns and
villages, many losing their bornes
and worldly belongings because of
war, can't be fully described by
The Coming Big One
To realists, the next Arab-Jsraeli
war is not a matter of " if ' but
"when." Billions of dollars worth of
Soviet military aid to the Arabs and
U. S. military aid to the Israelis in–
sure it.
Iso't it ironic how nations
throughout history almost in–
variably talk peace, while at the
same time they are planning to arm
themselves for the next war?
Thankfully, nuclear weapons
haven't yet been used in the Arab–
Israeli confrontations, although the
major powers have them. This
should make us think.
What weapon has man invented
that has never been used to kill?
What peace, peace treaty or pact
has been las ting? In the nearly 6,000
years of recorded human history,
approxirnately 8,000 peace treaties
have been negotiated. Not one has
brought permanent peace.
Unless we learn from our past
mistakes, it will be just a matter of
time before sorne mistake, sorne ac–
cident or sorne misunderstanding,
perhaps involving trade or oil,
comes to a head and ignites a really
big war - a nuclear disaster! It's
time nations learned what should
have been learned from the latest
conftict - and from all wars.
The obvious is that mankind has
not known real peace and does not
know the way to it. lf he did, we
would have it.
It seems clear that another way,
other than through human reason–
ing and intellect alone - which
haven't brought peace in the past -
needs to be tried?
Peace, humanly speaking, ap–
pears difficult and complex, but it is
spiritually simple. Mankind cannot
know or find peace apart from the
Creator God who originaUy gave
life and who alone knows what is
best for man and how man ought to
live to have peace.
Man has not had lasting peace
throughout his entire history be–
cause the God of peace, the God of
the Arabs, the God of the Israelis,
indeed, the Creator God of all pea–
pies, is neither open-mindedly con–
sulted nor asked for help and
guidance in solving human prob–
lems and differences. Until that time
comes, there will be no peace!
To many, this way to peace may
sound overly simple, superficial,
na'ive, perhaps trite, maybe even su–
perstitious - but nevertheless it is
the truth.
Thankfully,God isn't going towait tilJ
the nations come to hirn. It would be
too late ifhe did. He
going tostep in
and force man to have peace. At that
time, as one ancient prophet said,
"Nation shall not
up sword
against nation, neither shall they
leam war any more."
in the
World leaders are f r ightened over the reality of
another Mideast war. Prospects for a permanent
and lasting peace seem so uncertain, at best.
ls Peace Possible?
Will the Middle East crisis erupt again?
Bible prophecy answers: the M ideast will again
experience the ravages of war . But the Bible
prophecies also foretell an era of unparalleled
peace and prosperity in the world tomorrow.
That fascinating story - and how the ravages of
war wil l be brought to an end - is contained in the
full -color, 96-page booklet titled
Wonderful World Tomorrow - What lt Wi/1 Be Like.
Despite today"s harrowing headlines, there is hope.
Request your free copy
of this booklet and understand why.
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PLAIN TRUTH February 1974