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As it is, we do not
everything in subjection to hiro"
(Hebrews 2:5-8).
Do you catch the incredible sig–
nificance of those words? Even–
tually, God intends for roan- when
he has qualified - to rule over
everything that God has created!
Tbat means that eventually God
intends roan to rule over the far–
flung galaxies speeding away into
infinity at the frontiers of
the universe !
But how will God ac–
coroplish this? Reroem–
ber, God created man in
image and Like–
ness. We are, therefore,
in a sense, like God.
So now notice God's
plan. In Hebrews
Paul says, " . . . in these
last days he [God] has
spoken to us by a Son,
whom he appointed the
beir of all things ,
through whom also he
created the world. He re–
fiects the glory of God
and bears the very stamp
of his nature,
the universe
by his word
of power."
Did you get the importance of
that? Christ is the heir of the uní–
verse - and we are to be fellow
with him!
That means we will
eventually - with him - inherit
rulership over the entire universe!
That is God's remarkable plan for
After living in the flesh as human
beings and learning lessons of self–
control, after building righteous
We will be like God, we will have
powers like bis, we will be glorious
like he is, and we will be members
of his divine family, ruling the
whole creation! That is the suro and
esseoce of God's amaziog plan!
No wonder the apostle Paul was
inspired to write: "'What no eye
has seen, nor ear heard, nor the
heart of roan conceived. what God
has prepared for those who love
him,' God has revealed
to us through the Spirit"
(I Corinthians 2:9-10).
God's Ultimate Plan
The Bible reveals that
God is very interested in
what goes on here on
earth. The earth, Jesus
said, is God's footstool
(Matthew 5:35).
here that God made
human beings. It is here
that God sent the one
who became Jesus
Christ, born of the virgin
Mary, to become the
savior of roankind (Mat–
thew 1: 18-20).
Alan 8eordsmore
Ploin Truth
Jesus Christ - the son
of God - was sent to this
Britoin's steeroble radio
telescope probes the mysteries of deep space.
The earth therefore,
though it is not at the
center of the galaxy, is
the central focus of
God's present interest,
earth to live as a human
being and to give bis life for the sins
of all meo. He was the one through
whom the Father created the world.
He, like the Father,
God and re–
flects the glory of God and bears his
very nature. Jesus, today, upholds
the whole universe by his power!
Jesus is "the heir of al! things." In
other words, God the Father has
entrusted all authority over the en–
tire universe - "all things" - to
But now notice a remarkable
thing. Christians, when they become
truly converted and begotten by
God's spirit, become literal children
of God, "and
children, then heirs,
heirs of God and fellow heirs with
Christ, provided we suffer with him
in order that we may also be glori–
fied with him" (Romans 8: 17).
character through living by God's
commandments, after overcoming
the sinful pulls of the flesh, we will
be granted divine immortality by
God. He has promised to give us
perfect spirit bodies like bis own -
and have us assist him and Christ in
carrying their government through–
out the entire universe, and all the
universes to come!
Notice the words of the apostle
John about this: "See what !ove the
Father has given us, that we should
be called children of God;
and so we
. ..
Beloved, we are God's chil–
dren now; it does not yet appear
what we shall be [in the resurrec–
tion], but we know that when he
we shall be like hím,
for we shall see him as he is"
John 3: 1-2).
and he is vitally concemed
with what goes on here. It is on the
earth that God is working out bis
supreme purpose and creating his
divine faroily which will eventually
rule the whole universe with him!
The Bible contains absolutely
no revelation that physical life as
we know it exists on other planets,
at this time.
The time may come in the distant
future when God will decide to ere–
ate life on other planets in the uní–
verse. And we may have a very
direct part in it!
That's the awesome destiny God
holds out for aU mankind. O
Write for our free booklet
Were You Born?
explains in detail this astounding
truth about the purpose of life.