up the side of the mountain to the
entrance of the higher cavems.
Here there seemed to be even
larger and grander rooms opening
here and there as we wound our
way back into the heart of the earth
these stupendous caves of inde–
scribable magnificence and beauty.
These exceedingly spectacular
caverns are called Grotto de Jeitta.
They a re open to the public for a
small admission charge from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m. daily except Mondays.
Bangkok, Thailand:
Am continuing this month's
from Bangkok. We fiew here
on Monday after our visit to Grotto
de Jeitta in Lebanon. There was one
stop a short distance from Beirut a t
Damascus, where we were required
to pay a landing tax in order to ob–
tain permission to fiy over Syria,
and then a refueling stop at Bom–
bay, India.
A banquet had been scheduled
here in my honor, held last night,
hosted by Mme. Sunirat Tehlan,
owner of the Rama Hotel and other
hotels in Thai land, and the lady
who has accompanied me on each
of my three meetings with the King
of Thailand.
l am en route to Tokyo, where
Prince Mikasa (brother of Emperor
Hirohito) had asked meto go into a
"Bible study" with him. Since the
date was set for this meeting, it has
expanded to include sorne forty to
sixty others, including members of
the Cabinet and the Diet (the Con–
gress of Japan), as well as educators
from universities. 1 understand it is
to be a very distinguished group,
and instead of a prívate "study" ap–
parently it now will be more in the
nature of a lecture.
Here we met the Ethiopian am–
bassador to India, and his wife, who
fiew here to join us in the fiight on
to Tokyo.
At the special banquet last night a
very distinguished group of guests
were present, including a princess
whose husband had been Prince Re–
gent , supervising the Thai govem–
ment prior to the reign of King
Bhumibol. Present also were the
ambassadors from Japan, Cam–
bodia, Korea, Ethiopia and Israel,
and their wives.
After a delightful dinner, there
were introductory speeches by
Mme. Tehlan and the Korean am–
bassador, following which 1 was
asked to speak - which I did for
twelve minutes.
1 feel our readers should be inter–
ested in what 1said, as those present
were, and as I feel everyone on
earth should be. Following is a brief
Today the minds of most people
are kept primarily on their own com–
forts, daily routine and pleasures. But
when one travels as 1 have over the
world, he is forced to see the pitiful
condition in which a majority of
earth's humanity lives - in utter ig–
norance, deep poverty, wracked with
disease, living in at least semi-starva–
tion, filth and squalor.
And 1 have to ask, WHY? WHY
should it be?
can't all human–
ity live in a utopian condition?
We have the mind-power - the
intellect -
produce intricate and
complex computers and mecha–
nisms of a ll sorts - to fiy to the
moon and baclc, yet we are unable
to live at peace within our own fam–
ilies, with neighbors, or nations with
neighbor nations. We can't solve
our own problems here on earth.
is man as he
- so he lpless
before bis own problems?
Then 1 look into the affluent
world, where living standards are
high. All my life 1 have had contact
with the great and the near-great -
with the "successful" -
large corporations, great banks,
leading educators. They have edu–
cation. They have above-average in–
tellect. They have money and live
HAPPY. The more they have, the
more they want - and it is never
enough. WHY?
For every such EFFECT there had to be
a CAUSE. Wbat's tbe CAUSE of all this
pitiful state of affairs in the world?
What is the WAY that would CAUSE
universal plenty and happiness?
For centuries and millenniums,
heads of state have sought the WAY
to PEACE. They have worked for
PEACE, struggled for peace - and
yet there IS NO PEACE! Why?
1 found the answer -
a book
almost NOBODY knows! lt's the book
supposed to be the very source of
the world's largest religion - Chris–
tianity. Wben 1 was challenged to
look into
47 years ago, I was
shocked- dumbfounded - to learn
tha t the religion of our Westem
world , called Christianity, did NOT
receive its teachings and beliefs and
customs from this book called the
Holy Bible!
was the greatest as–
tonishment of my life. 1 found that
it teaches, in plain language, the
in many if not
most essential and basic areas.
Bu t to my surpr ise, in it I
found the ANSWERS!
1 found what 1 have come to call
EDGE. That
missing dimension
is the
knowledge of:
- What we are,
- WHY we are - the purpose for
humanity being put on earth,
- How do we fulfill that pur–
- WHAT are the true values -
what is, and what is not important?
- WHAT ÍS THE WAY to peace,
abundance, happiness?
Those are the basic things we
need to know. Those are tbings the
human mind - with all its scientific
and technical instruments to aid it -
is utterly unable to discern. Yet we
have known.
The answer to the whole riddle of
the state of the world today goes
back to the account of the incident
of the forbidden fruit. Whether or
not you
this is a true story -
whether or not you believe
God of all creation - the God of the
Thai people who created tbem and
all other peoples - whetber or not
you believe in this book, the Holy
Bible, makes no difference. Here is
the one explanation of the miser–
able state of tbe world today - here