(Continued from page
first at the San Francisco Confer–
ence in 1945 - then in London in
1947, and in 1956 he and bis wife
carne from Alexandria where they
were then living to our hotel in
Cairo to spend the afternoon with
Mrs. Armstrong and me. But
not met King Faisal - yet.
- Also significant of today's
trend, the
S. in sorne nations was
accused of encouraging the coup in
- Reports said South African po–
lice killed
blacks in a gold mine
- Fierce battle reported in South
Vietnam - 90 Communist troops
1 am not
news. You
should have read the news when it
happened. My purpose is to call to
your attention the real MEANING -
the significance of it. Governments
are being toppled. Men are unable
to govero. You live in a troubled
world unable to solve its problems.
When heads of governments meet
to try to bring about peace, each
figbts for bis own advantage. You
see here the CAUSE of the troubles
the world.
all points to a WRONG
[Editor's note: The following
strange coincidences are significant
of the trend in the world condition
today. Three weeks after Mr. Arm–
strong was in the financia! and in–
dustrial capital of the Arab world,
the October war broke out between
Arabs and Israelis. Three weeks af–
ter Mr. Armstrong was in Bangkok,
a massive student riot caused the
overthrow of Prime Minister Kit–
tikachorn's govemment, and a roan
who was a guest at the dinner in Mr.
Armstrong's honor was appointed
by the king as acting prime minister.
In March 1973, Mr. Arrnstrong was
invited by the ambassador from Af–
ghanistan to India to visit Afghanis-
tan for a meeting with the king. A
few weeks later, Afghanistan's gov–
ernment was overthrown, and the
king fled the country, going into ex–
ile. Three governments were over–
thrown and a war occurred, al!
inside six months. This is the end
time, and time marches ever faster
and faster to the crucial clímax at
ose of the age.)
I have said again and again, there
are two broad and general WAYS OF
LIFE. This world is living the "GET"
way - the way of competition, striving
to GET, to TAKE from others, the way
of strife, seeking SELF-gain, without
concero for the welfare ofothers, the
way of vanity, lust and greed, jeal–
ousy, envy, resentment, hatred.
The other way which
teach is
tbe way of "GIVE" - of outgoing
concern for the welfare and good of
others equal to self-concern - the
way of cooperation, helping, serv–
ing, sbaring. That's the way of LOVE,
for the true definition of "love" is
outgoing concern for the good of
others equal to self-concern.
But back to the moment.
arrived here in Beirut from our
Ambassador College campus in
had flown there from
Pasadena for the opening of the new
school year. The invitation to visit
Lebanon had come from the Presi–
dent of the country, Suleiman Fran–
jieh. We have spent a most ·
rewarding eight days here.
This visit to Lebanon carne about
in a manner that
think might be
interesting to our readers. It all be–
gan in 1967. There had been sorne
negotiation toward buying a very
important program time on Radio
Jerusalem from the Jordanian gov–
ernment. The old city of Jerusalem
was then Jordanian. King Hussein
wanted to increase the power of Je–
rusalem Radio to one million watts.
was anxious to have
The World
program go from Jerusa–
lem on such giant power. We had
negotiated on a four-year contract
ata price that would pay the cost of
the equipment to put out this maxi–
mum superpower.
would cost the
Jordan government nothing.
Actually it was the next morning
after the funeral and burial of my
wife, af!er exactly 50 years less 3Y'2
months of marriage, that
a Pan Aro polar flight for London
and París. This was April 18th. It
helped a great deal to be able to
travel to other scenes after suffering
the loss. Since then,
have helped a
few others to a similar experience
after the loss of a life-partner and
mate. From París
transferred to a
fiight to Beirut, from there another
flight to Amman, Jordan.
was met there by Messrs. Ray–
mond F. McNair and Charles F.
Hunting, from our campus in
England. We then had a conference
with Mr. Adli Muhtadi, officer in
charge of communications for the
government of Jordan.
We drove over to Jerusalem and
visited the station, then back to Aro–
man, where
signed a contract
which may welJ have been the larg–
est contract, in dollars, ever signed
for the purchase of radio time.
On a Sunday morning in June,
was en route by car from the
campus in England to London Air–
port, for a flight to Aroman and Je–
rusalem to personally broadcast our
first program from Jerusalem. On
the car radio we heard the news of
the beginning of the war between
Israel and the Arab states of Egypt
and Jordan. The plane did not go
did not leave London.
After six days, Jerusalem Radio was
in the hands of the Israelis.
Shortly thereafter Mr. Muhtadi
carne to the campus in England to
ask me to put the program on Radio
Aroman at half the cost we had con–
tracted for on a station that was to
have been boosted to a million
watts. The money paid was to go to
the Arab refugees.
signed it, and
this continued for sorne four years.
Meanwhile Mr. Muhtadi became
acquainted with Ambassador Col–
lege and with its extension program
of education worldwide. He carne to
believe wholeheartedly in wbat we
are doing, and about a year ago
joined our organization. Meanwhile
he brought other roen ranking high