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mones and cheap feeds involved in
the meats and food that finally end
up on your table at meal time.
Marriage, family, finances, crime,
health and food are just sorne of the
major topics discussed with insight
in tbe pages of this magazine.
ls Unique
ThUTH magazine is
obviously unique. Unique in its
treatment of international affairs.
Unique in its elucidation of solu–
tions to the problems of humanity.
TRUTH not only re–
ports what's going on behind the
scenes, but also "gets it all together"
from the perspective of the Bible,
which we hold to be the absolute
Word of God. No other major news
magazine uses the Bible as a point
of reference with which to analyze
global trends.
a world view which includes God,
who has been long ignored by all
too many people.
Our readers recall articles such as
"Why Were You Born?" and "Why
We Here?" They were intended
to show readers the meaning of life.
They explored the growing dichot–
omy between modern technology
and knowledge production on the
one hand, and solid understanding
of basic truth on the other. They
sbowed wby colleges and universi–
ties around the world have failed to
come to grips with the ultirnate pur–
pose for human existence, and that
in society's quest for knowledge, it
has ironically rejected the one and
only available source of that knowl–
God created men and women to
share in a destiny beyond their wild–
est dreams. The only source for un–
derstanding that destiny is the
Creator, and bis written record, the
Holy Bible. Without this source,
man is utterly lost and incapable of
discerning his purpose for being.
Why does the world continually
suffer the ravages of war? Why do
leaders speak glowingly of peace,
while nations struggle
con ftict?
These questions have proved very
difficult to resolve for even the
greatest statesmen.
But there is a way to peace that
meo, cut off from God, have not
perceived. Instead, tbe nations are
even now rusbing toward the great–
est confrontation in the history of
mankind - a collision that God
himself will have to stop, lest all
mankind be completely wiped out.
magazine of warning. It sheds light
on Bible prophecy and shows how
Jesus himself warned of these peril–
ous times thousands of years ago.
Answers Major Religious
What is death? Where does the
"resurrection" fit in? These ques–
tions affect each of us in a most
personal manner. The world is in
confusion. Religions cannot agree!
But God's revelation toman is both
clear and available to those who
seek understanding. Recent articles
such as "After Death, Tben What?"
go step by step through tbe Cre–
ator's own words to show what God
himself says on tbese matters.
A Different World
News Magazine
For nearly 40 years,
TRUTH magazine has been alerting
its readers to major trends on the
national and international news
scene. Throughout those years,
TRUTH editors, writers and
researchers bave covered the globe
web-fed press turns out up to 50 ,000 full-color 16-page sections of Plain Truth per hour.
Gary George
Plain Truth