Page 2102 - 1970S

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lated into defeat for the Con–
servatives in Britain's next general
election - which must be held no
Jater than mid-1975? The Labour
Party is anxiously waiting in the
wings. There is little doubt now
that former Prime Minister Harold
Wilson will come down on the
side of anti-Market sen timent and
attempt to capitalize politically on
The year 1975 could thus prove to
be a crucial turning point for Brit–
ain. The fact is, should she decide to
leave the Common Market rather
than renegotiate terms,
Britain won'1
have a Commonwealih 10 return to.
After January l. 1975, with the ter–
mination of Commonwealth prefer–
ences, little wiU remain of the old
order, except for sentiment and tra–
But even tradition-bound Britain,
a natíon dependen! more than most
on trade for its economic survival,
cannot live on sentiment alone. Her
economic future could take a dra–
matic turn for the worse. With most
of her Commonwealth "chickens"
gathered under the Common Mar–
ket wing, Britain could find herself
on the outside of everything!
This is a distinct and very real
A God Who Foretold the
Tbe late prime minister of Can–
ada, Lester Pearson, once remarked:
" In my own lifetime we have moved
from the
Empire without sunset
which God had made mighty and
was implored to make mightier
yet ... we have moved from that
Empire to today's Commonwealth
of nations."
Now the economic "sun" is about
to set on the Commonwealth as well
- and leading member Britain in
Many are unaware that it was
God who blessed Britain and her
empire, and later, the Common–
Jt was God wbo millennia ago
foretold that the British peoples. as
descendants, in part, of the ancient
House of Israel, would in this era of
man's history grow into a great
"multitude of nations."
The full, exciting story of how this
prophecy was fulfilled - and more
importantly, what the future yet
holds - is told in our colorfully,
illustrated. eye-opening bookJet
United States and British Common–
wealth in Prophecy.
Write immedi–
ately for your copy of this booklet.
and it will be sent free of charge.
More than ever, the English–
speaking peoples need to discover
their true identity and destiny. O