pressure the Israelis into making
enough concessions to bring about a
The Arabs have decided to use
their "ultimate weapon" - an oil
embargo. Chief on the list is the
United States. However, the U. S.
has received only about 6 percent of
her crude oil from Arab countries
and also another lO to 12 percent
refined oil products from the Arabs
via Holland, Italy and others.
If the United States will not do
enough arm-twisting to cause Israel
to relinquish at least a sizeable
chunk of the occupied territories,
then the Arabs feel they have no
other alternative but to go back to a
shooting war in round five.
But it is not clear how much in–
fluence the United States can exert
on Israel - even if she tries. Re–
member, the Israelis already manu–
facture the Gabriel missile and the
Uzi gun (rated as an excellent
weapon). And Israel apparently
contemplates making more badly
needed armaments so she will have
more freedom of action - and will
not have to worry as much about
diplomatic arm-twisting from her
allies or threats from her enemies.
Israel has repeatedly said she can
only rely upon her own strength for
her national security.
Thus, the Mideast knot seemingly
gets more entangled with each pass–
ing war.
Whose Fault?
Who is at fault in this Mideast
struggle? Jews or Arabs? Mr. Nixon
has said: "Both sides are at fault."
The fact is that it is not
and Arab who are involved. Others
are equally involved - British,
French, Americans, Russians. Each
has contributed to misunder–
standing, distrust, fear and hatred in
the Mideast. Infected, too, are all
too many citizens of the world at
large - as nations take sides in this
long, drawn-out struggle between
Jew and Arab.
The simple truth is that neither
the United Nations, the Soviet
Union, the United States nor any
PLAIN TRUTH January 1974
other nation really has the solution
to the Mideast impasse. No fore–
seeable human settlement will really
satisfy the beiligerents or their pa–
trons. The "ambassadors of peace"
are doomed to failure because their
solutions do not come to grips with
the real causes of Mideast tensions.
ln fact , most negotiators are not
even aware of (or refuse to admit)
the real causes for present tensions.
Most directly stated, it is the basic
inability on the part of modern man
(no matter what his nationality, race
or creed) to recognize that in and of
years of history only show that man
of himself does not know the way to
peace nor even recognize his own
nature for what it really is. The solu–
tions and devices "peace-seeking"
mankind has come up with just do
not work. The truth is that not
America nor any other nation or re–
gion of the world holds the key to
any lasting peaceful solution in the
Only the author, designer and
creator of this universe is in a posi–
tion to bring peace to this crucial
part of the world. No matter how
"We know that giving up means death,
means destruction of our sovereignty
and physical destruction of our entire
people. Against that, we wi/1 fight
with everything that we have within us.
Golda Meir
himself - within his own mind and
being - he does not possess the in–
nate ability, knowledge or wisdom
to direct his life or that of his nation
to lasting peace and prosperity.
As presumptuous as these words
may sound, it is the purpose and
duty of this magazine to inform our
readers that mankind the world
over has rejected and cut itself off
from the source and contact that
makes right knowledge and wisdom
available. That contact is with the
being who created all mankind and
originally gave man a set of stan–
dards and guidelines by which to
We unequivocally state that un–
less or until the nations of this world
get back into harmony with that
being and bis guidelines, there wiU
be no solution that is lasting and
fair to the peoples of the Mideast.
The results of "seeking peace" as
men and nations have gone about
throughout history surround us on
every side - the buildup of military
weapons, hostility, the subsequent
warfare and destruction. All the
religious sounding this may appear
to you, no matter how you refer to
that being, be it God, Allah, Dieu,
Gott, Dios or any other translation,
he - and he alone - will author
peace in the Mideast.
Happily, this will be accom–
plished sooner than most people
dream. The "government [of the
whole world] shaU be upon his
shoulder" (lsaiah 9:6). Whose
shoulder? The shoulder of " the
Prioce of Peace." "Of the increase of
his government and peace there
shall be no end ..." (verse 7).
In following issues of
TRUTH magazine, we will give a
much deeper insight into the contin–
uing complexities of the Mideast
struggle - its history, present di–
lemma and happy future - when
peace, happioess and prosperity will
engulf the Middle East and the
whole world.
lf you are already interested in the
happy solutions to today's worldwide
problems, write for our free booklet,
The Wonderful World Tomorrow -
What lt Wi/1 Be Like.