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presides over rites of December Soturnalia. Wassail is the a ncient toast
Waes Hael -
"your good health."
body which today professes to be of
Christ but acts under false pretenses
and promulgates a counterfeit. It
was satisfied to allow the people to
believe in a pagan lie which would
never bring about the fulfillment of
the real promises of the Jesus Christ
whose name has gotten fouled up in
the Saturnalia.
The real Jesus Christ - not sorne
distorted image personified by a
seasonally stylized chubby infant -
lasting spirit to every
man who would obey the teachings
of God's Word. The process by
which all roen can express the joy of
the true spirit of God was made
clear by the apostle Peter in the sec–
ond chapter of Acts: "Repent, and
be baptized every one of you in the
name of Jesus Cbrist for the remis–
sion of sins, and ye shall receive the
PlAIN TRUTH December 1973
gift of the Holy Spirit" (verse 38).
To repent means to make a
change - in this instance, a com–
plete change of heart, completely
foregoing the rites of paganism for
the true religion of God through
obedience to his laws. The cere–
mony of baptism symbolizes the
deatb of the old, sinful man and
rebirth as the new man. It is at that
point that God grants the spirit he
The differences between the true
spirit of God and the counterfeit
spirit of Christmas are enormous.
The fieeting spirit of Christmas
gives way too soon to what the
apostle Paul called tbe "works of the
ftesh," and he warns that " ... they
which do such things shall not
inherit tbe kingdom of God "
(Galatians 5:21).
What does the Holy Spirit have to
offer in place of these common
human ·raults? " ... the fruit of the
love, joy, peace, longsuffer–
ing, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance ..." (Gala–
tians 5:22-23).
The world thinks it needs a pa–
gan, utterly non-Christian holiday
like Christmas because, in reality, it
needs the spirit of God. Why be
satisfied with a cheap counterfeit
spirit which God condemns when he
offers you the genuine?
Where did we get Christmas? ...
from the Bible? How did the custom
of exchanging gifts at Chrlstmas
originate? ls it scriptural? Here are
the facts. Request your free copy
The Plain Truth About Christmas.