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somewhere in Central or South
Do we live in the time of which
Jesus spoke? We're in an uneasy
resting place between World War II
and World War III. Man has never
made a weapon he didn' t use. Will
the next major war involve nuclear
Jesus then said: "See that ye be
not troubled : for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is
not yet. For nation shall rise
against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom: and there shall
massive pandemics of p lague, ty–
phoid, or cbolera.
Jesus went on to say many would
be offended and would bate one an–
other. He foretold that there would
be religious hatred and intolerance
and tbat vast religious persecution
would erupt (verses 9-ll). But he
added: "He tbat shall endure unto
the end, the same shall be saved"
(verse 13).
The True Gospel
Jesus gave one more sign to in–
dicate the end time. He asserted:
'hatever else you may believe, you
had better get used to the idea
that you are living in the time of
the end
that you are living at the close
of an age, and at the beginning of a new,
di fferent and better age.
be fa mines ..." (verses 6-7).
1 believe there are going to be
famines because Jesus Christ said
there shaU be famines. You can say,
"There bave always been familles."
Of course tbere have. But the spec–
ter of famine was never so awesome
or terrifying as it is today, in the
midst of our global population ex–
Whatever else you may believe,
you had better get used to the idea
that you are living in the time of the
end - that you are living a t the time
of the dose of an age, and at the
dawn, the begil111ing of a new, dif–
ferent and better age. Remember,
we haven't always had multimega–
ton hydrogen bombs.
Jesus said: "And there shall
be .. . pestilences [disease epidem–
ics], and earthquakes, in divers [dif–
fe rent] places" (verse 7).
Because of overcrowded cities
and massive popuJations, scientists
frankly admit that conditions are
ripe for global disease epidemics -
"And this gospel of the kingdom
shaU be preached in all the world
for a witness unto aU nations;
then shall the end come"
(verse 14).
Consider: You are hearing this
same gospel - or good news - of
the Kingdom of God that Jesus
The gospel of the Kingdom of
God - that
that God Almighty is
going to send Jesus Christ back to
this earth to set up his kingdom - is
the gospel
Jesus Christ is alive. He is going
to come back and rule the earth.
And he promises true Christians:
that overcometh will 1
grant to sit with me in my throne,
even as I also overcame, and am set
down with my Father in
(Revelation 3:2 1). "And he that
overcometh ... will 1 give power
over the nations," he added (Reve–
lation 2:26).
Jesus likened himself to a young
nobleman who went away into a far
country to get for himself a king–
dom and to come back and to ap–
portion power, rulership, and
authority to bis servants. He wi ll
make true Christians rulers over the
cities and nations of this world.
They will bring peace and happi–
ness to all mankind!
Jesus said he will return in power,
not come and meet the press, and be
asked a lot of endless questions
about how many angels can sit on
the head of a pin or whether Adam
had a navel. He's coming back
power to clean up the wretched
mess that we see all around us
Jesus is going to come back. The
very first message that carne to this
earth after Jesus was on his way to
heaven was: "Ye men of Galilee,
why stand ye gazi ng up into
heaven? This same Jesus, which is
taken up from you into heaven,
shall so come
like manner as ye
have seen him go into heaven" (Acts
1: 11).
believe he meant precisely
what he said.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
He hasn't gone off to the other side
of the universe. He's going to come
back. He's going to straighten out
this world. And he wants that mes–
sage taken al! the way around this
earth and taken with power and
conviction. That's what you're hear–
ing right now, and that's what this
message and this work is all about!
You are living
the end time.
and as sure as you know you're
alive, right now, you had better be–
lieve that if Jesus Christ ofNazareth
is not going to come again, the
world won't even be here for your
grandchildren to enjoy. Thank God
coming and God's word
means exactly what it says.
What do the legendary Four Horse–
men really represent? Are they a
living prophecy soon to unfold? Re–
quest the remarkable. free booklet
The Four Horsemen of the
lt shows how Jesus Christ
revealed the true meaning of the
four mysterious riders of Revelation.