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of life - two divergent philosophies
of living. One is the SELF-centered
way. This world is geared to tha t
way. It has been for 6,000 years. It is
the way of human nature - the way
of vanity, self-exaltation, selfishness,
greed, envy, jealousy, resentment. It
is the way of self-concern, but with
NO concern for the good or welfare
of others.
is the way of resentment
of authority. It is a way of com–
petition, strife and war.
There is one other and opposite
way of life. That way constitutes a
law, set in motion as surely and re–
lentlessly as the laws of physics, of
gravity or inertia. You can' t
those laws, but they
and you
see the effect they produce. This is
the way of love. And !ove is
going - an outgoing concern.
Toward other humans, it is the
way of giving, not getting or taking,
the way of cooperating, serving,
helping, sharing.
is tbe God-cen–
tered way - the way of humility,
obedience to authority, the way of
our Creator, the source of
all truth and right k:nowledge.
But humanity
rejected that way
thousand years ago. That way is in
itself an existing spiritual law - a
law of physical actions, but of spiri–
tual intent, attitude and principie.
Like the laws of gravity and inertia,
it is invisible - but it works, and
see the effect.
The effect you see for disobedi–
ence - going the way of human
nature (breaking that law) - is the
mountain of evils humanity has
piled on itself - the strife, violence
and war, the poverty, illiteracy, dis–
ease, filth and squalor, the crime,
immora lity and degrada tion, the
fears, worries and frustrations.
Everything is a matter of cause
and effect. Violation of this active
spiritua l law has produced the evil
we see about us. Obedience to
that law would produce the effect of
peace, happiness, joy, prosperity
universally, security, assurance and
abUJ)dant well-being!
lt's time we quit kidding our–
selves. The nations are not going to
act contrary to human nature. As
long as we have human nature, the
U.S.S.R. is not going to tum its sov–
ereignty over to the United Nations
or the World Court. It would oever
have joined the U.N. without its
veto power, which renders the U.N.
powerless (except as a sounding
board for communist propaganda).
The United States will not surren–
der its sovereignty to the U.N. or the
World Court. Jt, like the U.S.S.R.,
would never have gone into the
U.N. without its veto power, which
renders the U.N. powerless !
The same is true of the People's
Republic of China, recently admit–
ted. The same is true of Britain,
F rance and the others.
The Crux of the MaHer
Humanity right now approaches
the brink of human extinction from
the earth. If humanity realized
we are to that brink, how ur–
gent is our number one
problem of
they would go stark mad in
frantic ch aos! But humanity is
asleep to facts and truth and doesn't
want to be disturbed.
World renowned scientists say the
world's only hope, now, is for a
power - one single military force -
to rule al! nations. In the same
breath they say that's impossible!
1 say, at the same time, the
world's ONLY HOPE of survival is to
change human naturel And man is
just as powerless to do that!
to back it and enforce its decisions,
the World Court will be ineffective
in preventing war and bringing
world peace. Winston Churcbill
wamed: "Unless sorne effective
world super -government can be
brought quickly into action, the pro–
posals for peac e a nd human
progress are dark and doubtful."
The urgent necessity for what is
propbesied is not tbe irresponsible
shoutings of sorne religious zealot -
but a stem fact, recognized by great
scientists and able statesmen .
The Holy Bible - tbe down-to–
earth source of the missing dimension
knowledge - reveals just such a
world super-govemment is soon
ing to be established!
And that not
man - but
in spite of him!
1 quote: "And he [Christ] shall
judge among the nations,
and sha ll
rebuke many people: and they shaU
beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruninghooks:
nation s hall not lift up sword
against nation, neitber shall they
learn war any more" (Isaiah 2:4).
Further, unknown to most, the
Bible reveals also tbat, at tha t time,
due to the resur rection , many
former humans will be ruling
the glorified, all-powerful Christ in
this super, world govemment. Christ
himself said: " He that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to bim will 1 give
power over the
and he
sha/1 rule them
a rod of iron . . ." (Revelation 2:26-
27). This is stated again in I Corin–
thians 6:2: " Do ye not k:now that
the saints shall
judge the world?"
The Bible reveals that wbat many
scientists are saying is our only hope
will come, not by man's initiative,
but by God's. And that the world
soon will be
ruled by international
but not through the efforts of
mortal man .
Also, human nature shall be re–
placed with a right spirit and atti–
tude. Says God: "A new heart also
give you, and a new spirit will
1 put within you: and 1 will take
away the stony heart out of your
flesh ..." (Ezekiel 36:26).
So let's quit kidding ourselves!
Unless there does exist the supreme
Creator God of love and total power
who is about to step in and inter–
vene in world affairs, wbo has power
to, and
change human nature,
who will by supernatural divine
power reveal himself to a doubting,
disbelieving and deceived world and
set up the prophesied Kingdom of
God on earth - with supernatural
divine power and force ruling all
na tions - then the whole world has
You are betting your life and
your eternity on that only possible
solution! And time is running out
on us! O
PLAIN TRUTH December 1973