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in the Peace Palace headquarters of the World Court are
to r.) Justice Nagendra Singh; Herbert W. Armstrong;
Justice Manfred Lachs, president of the World Court; and Stanley R. Rader.
General Assembly and also its Secu–
rity Council, he is a justice on the
world's highest court. As soon as he
received this distinguished appoint–
ment, he urged me to visit the
Ultimate Peace Effort
This legal court arm ofthe Uni ted
Nations is the world's greatest and
ultimate supreme effort to stop wars
and usher in a peaceful world. Sorne
try to stop wars by mob demonstra–
tions against wars. But at The
PLAIN TRUTH December 1973
Hague are serious and able men
who have devoted their lives to the
study of intemationallaw, hoping to
achieve peace by
On the night of my arrival at The
Hague in Holland, a banquet was
my honor. It was attended
by severa! justices of the World
Court, including the president and
the dean of the Court, and the U. S.
representative, Justice Hardy S. Dil–
lard, and tbeir wives, in addition to
ambassadors from a number of na-
Th. Piek
tions with their wives and other
guests. 1 was privileged to address
this distinguished gathering.
The following moming, I met
with Justice Singh and Justice
Manfred Lachs, president of the
Court , at tbe impressive aod
monumental beadquarters of the
Court, opened for the Court in
a gift from Andrew Carnegie. Presi–
dent Lachs escorted me, accom–
panied by Stanley Rader. our
Ambassador College general legal
(Continued on page 6)