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the League of Na–
tions had heeded Haile
Selassie's plea and warn–
ing in 1935? Might it not have pre–
vented WORLD WAR II? And would
that not have changed the whole
course of world history?
THINK what might have hap–
No World War 11! No Korean
War! No Vietnam War! No disinte–
gration of the British Ernpire! No
the United States of the pride
of her power - but a strong voice
that would be respected among all
nations. The U. S.
the power,
but since World War
has been
afraid to win any more wars.
THINK how that might have
changed tbe whole course of
The Fascist Mussolini invaded
Ethiopia in 1935. He was saying,
' 'The time has come to make the
Fascist Voice
Hitler was to
follow on his heels in organizing the
Fascist-Nazi armies in Germany.
Emperor Haile Selassie went be–
fore the League of Nations in
Geneva in person. He pleaded with
them to STOP this fast-mounting
Fascist threat to world peace at
Ethiopia, before it invaded France
and Britain, and started the greatest
conflagration of world war in his–
Did not this man, who claims to
be a direct descendant ofthe ancient
King Solomon of Judah and the
Queen of Sheba, prophesy that
they did not stop the Fascist armies
before they invaded Ethiopia, that
all Western Europe would be in–
vaded? - that the British Empire
would cease to be an Empire- that
nothing but TROUBLE would come
upon the democracies of Wes tern
Europe and the United States?
war troubles, economic troubles -
political troubles?
But the League of Nations had
NO POWER! And the democracies
didn' t think any such big war would
come. So they left helpless Ethiopia
to her fate. And Mussolini took
Ethiopia. He added it to Libya and
ltalian Somaliland and Eritrea. Af-
TRUTH Oecember 1973
Personal from
1 visit the
who might hove
course of
world history.
ter having previously made a con–
cordat with the Vatican he now
proclaimed another resurrection of
the Fascist ROMAN EMPIRE!
And Hitler went on building his
Fascist-Nazi blitzkrieg forces. And
Hitler began making bis demaods.
Prime Minister Chamberlain of
Britain yielded to Hitler's demands,
sayiog he (Chamberlain) had "won
PEACE in our time!"
Hitler did invade, and hook up
with the strutting Mussolini in the
Nazi-Fascist AXIS. And all Westem
Europe was lying prostrate and
helpless until the United States was
brought in - and until Hitler made
the rnistake of trying to invade Rus–
sia, whose vast territories and man–
power began swallowing him up.
The British Empire did disinte–
grate, and the United States did lose
all pride in her power - even
though she
the power. And eco–
nomic and política! distress did
come upon Britain and America,
and those defeated in the great war
began to rise to great industrial and
economic power. Now the dollar
and the pound are weak and in seri–
ous trouble.
How different
might things have been, bad Britain
and America gone to Ethiopia 's aid
in 1935?
Tbe Ethiopian Emperor Haile
Selassie was forced into exile. He
went to England, and did not retum
to his capital, Addis Ababa, until
May 5, 1941, at tbe head ofhis resis–
tance forces, and with British troops.
They had fought their way into
Ethiopia from Sudan.
From the time of bis personal ap–
pearance before the League of Na–
tion s, in 1935 , Emperor Haile
Selassie became one of the best–
known heads of state in the world.
He ascended bis throne in 1930, and
has had the longest reign, or tenure
in office as head of state or head
of government of any roan in the
Of all the heads of nations or of
great corporations, 1 think none
could have triggered greater antici–
pation prior to meeting than this
longest-ruling of all rulers.
All my life, from age 19, 1 have
had more or less close contact with
many of "the great and the near–
great" of the world - heads of largl!
corporations, presidents and cbair–
men of major banks, publishers,
educators - and in these recent
years government heads and world
leaders. But none had seemed a
more outstanding personality than
Emperor Haile Selassie.
So when, last March, the in–
vitation carne unexpectedly to visit
him, it was an intriguing anticipa–
It was in New Delhi, capital of
India. Once again
was luncbeon
(Continued on page 37)