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defeats forces of Islam at Tours, France in A.D. 732.
during the worst time of disintegra–
tion, the idea of a united Christian–
Germanic empire of the West is still
After the last of the Carotingians
dies in 911, the dukes in the eastern
realm choose Conrad 1, Duke of
Franconia to be their king. The
immediate concern is survival.
From the west, the Scandinavians
are a tbreat; from the east. tbe Mag–
yars and the Slavs.
During the chaotic disintegration
of the Carolingian empire, a cloak
of deep pessimism falls over the
Church. The Frankish church is es–
pecially disturbed. They have
dreamed of seeing the political
unity of Christian Europe. The
dream is shattered as the empire
breaks apart.
The papacy experiences the same
disintegration. Many of the popes
become the playthings of political
factions at Rome. John Vlii (872-
882) is imprisoned by the Duke of
PLAIN TRUTH November 1973
Spoleto. The body of former Pope
Formosus (891-896) is exhumed. It
is dressed in pontifical garb and
charged with treason. The body is
then dragged through the streets of
Rome, with the mob cheering on.
Pope Stephen (896-897) is over–
thrown by a revolution, imprisoned
and strangled. John XII (955-963)
drinks, swears, figbts witb tbe sword,
gambles and wenches. Tbe Palace of
the Lateran is turned into a house of
Meanwhile, chaos reigns in
Rome. The mobs and nobility are
always ready to pillage, burn, rob
In Italy, robber baron po–
tentates lord it over their domains.
The continuing power of Islam
adds to the confusion. As early as
827, Saracens invade Italy. Moslem
pirates raid the coast of Italy up to
the Tiber. In 846, a raiding party
sacks St. Peter's and St. Paul's.
Christian Europe understands all
too well that tbe Islaroic peoples
have risen to power on the banner
of religion, a retigion that views
non-Islamic peoples as infidels. The
concept, however, is greatly over–
played for its propaganda purposes.
From the north, marauding Mag–
yars raid as far south as Rome. To
observers, it seems like a replay of
the fifth century when Roman civ–
ilization was on the verge of ex–
As the year 1000 slowly ap–
proaches, there are dire predictions
that the end of the world will soon
occur. Western civilization is ready
to be snuffed out. But two in–
stitutions - a powerful, renewed
German empire and a revived pa–
pacy - are beginning to rise to tbe
For the papacy, there is only one
way out. The pope must call in a
strong but pious foreign prince to
unite Europe. Who tbat prince is we
shall see in the next episode of this
incredible European drama. O