sure. Said one Mani la source: ' 'The
key to the future is the success or
failure of the President's crackdown
o n crime and corru ption and
achievement of his promised social
and economic reforms. If he fa ils,
anything could happen."
A local politician in Luzon's Isa–
bela Province sees it this way: "Be–
fore the proclamation of martiallaw
he [Marcos] was the most popular
president. But if he succeeds in what
he promises, he will be the greatest
The Real lssue
What is at stake is not merely the
success or failure of one man or of
one political or governmental sys–
tem. Martial Iaw is admittedly only
a stopgap designed to give critica!
wounds time to heal. Sorne of Mar–
cos' reforms show encouraging signs
of benefiting the Filipino people,
while the outcome of other reforms
is yet uncertain. However, the Phil–
ippines remains a nation that ur–
gently needs help.
From where, however, will that
help come?
is the real issue.
Needed: Positive Action
is vitally imperative that the
govemment of a nation realize its
awesome responsibilities for the
welfare of its people. It is equally
imperative that the people of any
nation, both individually and collec–
tively, come to grips with their re–
sponsibility to take effective steps to
better their own circumstances.
People cannot sit back and expect
government to do everything for
them. The words of former U.S.
President John F. Kennedy are apt:
"Ask not what your country can do
for you; ask what you can do for
your country." This vital principie is
applicable to all societies.
Filipinos, regardless of personal,
financia! or other circumstances, are
waking up to the need to take posi–
tive action at the family and indi–
vidual levels. Chi ldren must be
taught through both admonishment
and parental example that thievery
and violence bear bitter fruits and
result in martial Jaw - and that the
ages-old principie of " love thy
neighbor as thyself'' is timely and
valid in today's turmoil.
Filipinos, as well as people of all
nations, should be willing to
their leaders
and to give constructive
support to the projects and efforts of
those in governmental positions.
One need not subscribe toa particu–
lar política! philosophy to be willing
to give support to programs in–
tended to develop a peaceful, pro–
gressive society.
The Final Solution
do much to improve
their quality of life now. But no
honest observer can say that the so–
lutions to all problems lie now
within their grasp.
President Marcos is one of many
world Ieaders who are proponents of
a strong, worldwide organization
designed and structured to promote
the welfare of all peoples. But he
realizes, as do most in high office,
that the only such organization now
on the world scene, the United Na–
tions, has shown itself unable to
play such a vital role in world af–
fai rs. The U.N.'s lead may be fol–
lowed by sorne small nations, but
the world's big nations - those most
directly setting the course of world
events - tend to act unilaterally,
often with only self-cen tered goals
in mind. The U.N. wields little au–
t!:writy or power over the major na–
But a powerful organization is
desperately needed. How, then, will
it be established?
The Surprising Answer
It may seem incredible to those
who think of the book embossed
with the words
as just
a poetic source of inspiration, but it
is a book primari ly about govern–
ment -
not about the type of world govern–
ment aspired to by atheistic commu-
nists, nor by the warring nations of
World War
Also, perhaps surpri–
singly, it concerns a government sig–
nificantly different from
proposed by the many well-in–
tended international "peace-pro–
moting" organizations of both past
and presen
Notice these words of the prophet
Isaiah about the world government
that will save men and nations from
today's terrible problems: "And it
shall come to pass in the Iast days,
that the mountain [a biblical term
meaning government) of the Lord's
[the Eterna! God's} house shall be
established in the top of the moun–
tains (above the chief nations), and
shall be exalted above the hills
[lesser nations]; and
al/ nations
fiow unto it .... And he shall judge
among the nations, and shall rebuke
many people: and they shall beat
their swords into plowshares, and
their spears into pruninghooks: na–
tion shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war
any more" (lsaiah 2:
1, 4).
Isaiah also wrote that "unto us a
child is born, unto usa son is given:
and the
shall be upon
his shoulder.... Of the increase of
his govemment and peace there
shall be no end" (Isaiah 9:6-7).
The focal point of Bible propbecy
is that a mighty world-ruling gov–
to become reality!
Jesus Christ is revealed in Bible
prophecy as a returning kíng (Reve–
19: 11- 15) -
returning first to
correct warring nations, opposing
groups and individuals within na–
tions and then to establish a world
government based upon the mighty
principies of peace and equity for
The Filipinos will then know the
true meaning of peace. They will
experience it individually and col–
lectively. They will become as pros–
perous as the wealthiest nations
today - and a lot happier - when
they learn to fully obey the revealed
will of Jesus Christ.
So, too, wiU all men.
PLAIN TRUTH November 1973