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What Our
Readers Say
(Continued from page 36)
Christ is as importan! as we are taught it is.
why do so few know about him?
Thc teachings of Christ make plenty of
sense, even to an unbeliever like myself.
am a veteran of two World Wars, an offi–
am in my middle seventies.
am a
strong believer in rigbt living - not in
hopes of"going to beaven" but because life
has more meaning wben one looks at it as
do ....
Don B.
Member Authors' Guild lnc.,
Toledo, Ohio
What You Can Do
Thank you for your "tip" on talking back
to your TV. The American newspapers and
TV stations get sorne kind of tlirill out of
pushing on the public nudity. wife swap–
ping. homosexuality and abortion.
but surely get the idea that the typical
American mind is wallowing in the guuer
with sex and trasb. When are we going to
mobilize against the media for what they
are doing to our youth?
Factory Farming
Ron W.,
Detroit, Michigan
After l'd read the report of "Factory
Farming" by Dconis Neill in the Marcb
issue of
TRum, 1
was somewhat
theirs is the kingdom of heaven
[God's universe-ruling government,
adminis t ered at this time from
heaven] ....
"Biessed are the meek (those fu ll
of self-control , submissive to the
awesome a uthority of Almighty
God]: for they shall inherit the earth
[the 1ocation of God's soon-coming
"Blessed are they wbich do hun–
ger and thirst after righteousness
[the very character and persona1ity
ofGod): for they shall be fi lled ... .
" B1essed are the pure in heart: for
they shall see God [and to see God
they will have to be God - Exodus
" B1 essed are tbe peacemakers
(those wbo understand and practice
the one true way to peace]: for they
sha ll be called the chi1dren of
God ..." (Matthew 5:3, 5-6, 8-9).
shocked - not in just the diseases, etc., that
made me feel sick to my stomacb. But
mostly shocked in the highest of idiocies
from the managements. When anyone puts
stress of any kínd upon birds or animals.
they're j ust that - idiots. All animals aod
birds need fresh air, sunshioe, and mostly
large room lo exercise. Don't they bave the
iotelligence to know that any crowded envi–
ronmcnt- henhouses or feed lot - one has
more chance of diseases in his Hock or
honestly believe if sorne of us did
like our grandparents did , we wouldn't
have sorne of these misfortunes. l'm always
for improvements, but let's see sorne!
Osceola, Nebraska
We have been planning to prepare
article on the inhumaneness of factory
farming methods sorne time during this
ycar for our youth newslctter of the
Humane Society of the
S. We have j ust
seen your excellent article on factory farm–
iog in the March issuc of
find much useful information
TRUTH and appreciate receiv–
iog it regularly.
particularly like thc
did style of your articles.
Dale Hy!too.
Director, Youth Division,
Waterford, Virginia
Power of Prayer
received my first copy of
TRum and enjoyed a ll the articles, reading
them twice, each one. and especia lly the
article on "The Awesome Power of Prayer"
by William Dankenbring. After reading
that article, many questions and answers
carne to my mind, and
now under-
God A1mighty invites
to in–
heril bis limitless creation and take
part in greater and greater creat ive
works throughout all eternity. But a
wise God will never allow anyone to
use the tremendous forces of bis cre–
ation unti1 that person can be com–
pletely and thorough1y trusted to
use that power rightly.
Tbus we go back to the apostle
Paul's discourse with the Athenians
about the "unknown" God. Paul
warns, "And the times of this igno–
rance God [once] winked at; but
now commandeth all men every
where (as this knowledge comes to
them] to
because he hath
appointed a day, in the which he
will judge the wor1d in righteousness
by that man (Jesus] whom he hath
ordained; whereof he hath given
assurance unto all men, in that
he hath raised him (Jesus Christ]
stand why. when people pray. most of them
don't receive tbe answer they are seeking. lt
is just because perhaps sorne of tbem are
lazy when they pray or because they pray
without faith in God and they receive the
Hobbs, New Mexico
ls God on Vacation?
In my March PLAIN TRUTH, " ls God on
Vacation" by Charles Vinson starts with a
reporter askmg questions of God in person.
" 1
stopped revealing myself through the
prophets," said God. "and carne to earth as
a person."
later says, "Yes,
am the one
you know as Jesus." Later it states, " lf you
want to talk to my Father, you can do so at
any time." Now the reporter was supposed
to be talking to God himself. Who is God's
Anna M.,
San Bernardino, California
Please reread the secrion of that arríe/e
entitled "A Case o{ Mistaken ldentity." lt
explains thar "Gotf' is a divine family, con–
trary ro the concept that God can be only one
being. Thefamily ofGodpresently consists of
rhe Father and his son, Jesus Christ. 8oth
are God; both are eterna/. Jesus Christ now
holds an additiona/ position that he did not
hold before his physical, human experience.
rhat time, he was the spokesman for
the one we know as the Father (John 1:1-3).
As the spokesman or
it was his job to
deal directly with the people of the 0/d Tes–
lamen/; ihus, Jesus Christ is the one we read
ofas the God of the 0/d Testament. The God
of the 0/d Testament carne in the jlesh as
Jesus, andas part ofhis mission, he carne to
reveal the Father.
from the dead" (Acts 17:30-31).
You will not be in the family of
God for all eternity until you first
come to see yourse1f for what you
really are. You must , with the he1p
of God's own spirit with and
begin to
To inherit the
Kingdom of God, you must begin to
grow in the very character traits that
marked the persona1ity of Jesus
Christ (Ga1atians 5:22-23).
God A1mighty now offers this
challenge to vou and to
kind: "1 call heaven and earth to
record this day against you, that 1
have set before you life and death,
b1essi ng and cursing: there fore
choose lije,
that both thou and thy
seed [posterity] may live" (Deuter–
onomy 30: 19).
May God grant you the desire
and the character to accept this
mighty challenge. o
TRUTH September