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(Continued from page 1)
Many are saying that if humanity
is not blasted out of existence by
nuclear warfare, the population ex–
plosion will do the job.
And Now - the Truth!
This is the existing condition in
the "developing countries." And
even the "rich" nations are filled
with evils. lt's a very sick world.
But why? When you stop to think
about it, it simply does not make
sense! Humanity should not have to
live this way! What are the real
And what is the solution?
Is it, after all, decreed by a higher
power that certain people in certain
areas must be
while others are
rich? Or that the rich nations are
to be plagued with crime,
immorality, corruption, broken
homes, vanishing family life, and
our thousand-and-one evils?
condition is of great
significance and
every one of us!
Where will we go for the answers?
To government? The governments
of the great nations have made al–
most superhuman efforts to develop
the "poor" nations - yet the poor
continue getting poorer. We find no
solutions there!
Shall we tum to science? Science
has been enlisted in this vast pro–
gram. But science cannot explain
the real cause nor provide the cure!
Try education - try sociology -
try industry. Tbey give you no help.
Try religion. The world's religions
have not solved the world's prob–
lems nor made this a better world.
Isn't it about time we open our
minds tO the
and face tbe only possible way out?
PLAIN TRUTH September 1973
Isn' t it about time we open our
minds to that missing dimension in
knowledge - the most vital dimen–
sion. That dimension is
lt's the dimension our first parents
rejected. And it's the dimension
that's been missing from human so–
ciety ever since. It's missing from
education, science and from all reU–
Did the Creator God
millions to be poor? Is it his will that
people be poor, ignorant , disease–
ridden, unhappy? Has our Maker
willed even "rich" areas to be filled
with evils? It might be interesting to
take a look into the Bible just to see
what it represents God's will to be
on those questions. And maybe
we'll find there what none of tbis
world's religions have accepted -
the real cause and the sure cure!
You read a lot of fiction. Now let's
read a little eye-opening truth - a
truth rejected by religion, by educa–
tion, by science, by govemment.
Taking a quick glance into the
Bible, begin at the beginning:
"In the beginning God created
the beaven and the earth" (Genesis
l :
The book of Genesis was written,
originally, by Moses in the Hebrew
language. The Hebrew words imply
and beautiful creation! The
angels shouted for
(Job 38:7.)
Angels populated the earth, but
those angels, prior to the antedilu–
vian world from Adam to Noah,
violated the laws of the govemment
of God - they "sinned"
2:4). The earth had been their habi–
tation - but they left
and dark–
ness filled the earth (Jude 6).
Now, Genesis 1:2: "And the earth
was [had become] without forro, and
void [cbaotic and in confusion]; and
darkness was upon the face of the
deep [oceans].''
This was the time when God re–
newed "the face of the earth" (Psalm
104:30) by sending forth bis Spirit.
Back to Genesis 1:2: "And the
Spirit of God moved upon the face
of the waters. And God said, Let
there be light: and there was light"
(verse 3).
Satan and the demons, by their
rebellion, brought darkness, chaos,
confusion. God brought light, order,
beauty. Then it is stated, God cre–
ated roan after bis own kind - in his
own shape and image (verse 26) -
male and female (verse 27).
The Forbidden Fruit
God, it is stated, had created a
beautiful garden, or park, and there
he put the roan and the woman he
had created (Genesis 2:7-8). Here
were two people, created suddenly
mature, with mature minds - but as
yet unfilled with knowledge and
without the help of animal instinct.
Their first need was instruction -
knowledge. God began to instruct
them in necessary basic knowledge.
A God of love could not
such a
God unless he provided the w
that would cause or produce peace,
happiness, and abundant material
needs. God had done this by setting
into inexorable motion his great,
visible, spiritual law. This is the
which, when followed, causes
every good. But tbe trangression of
this law is sin (1 John 3:4), and the
penalty for transgression is the loss
of peace, happiness, material abun–
dance - and, ultimately, death!
The obedience to that perfect way
was symbolized by the tree of life in
the garden - in other words, the
tree symbolized peace, happiness,
joy, abundance
what roan was
not created with - the gift of eterna!
Life. The opposite way - the
of strife and violence, unhappiness,
poverty, ignorance - and ultimately
was symbolized by the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil.
It is stated that God said plainly
to them that taking the fruit of this
latter tree would bring the penalty
of death. Since death is the penalty
of breaking God's law - the penalty
of sin - God could not have pro–
nounced that penalty for disobedi-