Page 19 - 1970S

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for the same duration of time it would
take to graduate from college! Fantastic!
But that's not all. According to the
National Commission on the Causes and
Prevention of Violence,
surveys in–
dicate that
childt"en and adolescents
spend on an average anywhere from
one fourth to one half of the waking
day before a television screen.
sleeping time s11rpasses te/evision as the
top time-conmmer.
Did you really get the significance of
that statement? Up to one half of their
conscious lives irretrievably gone, with–
out intellectual interaction - slump–
shouldered, slack-jawed, and spellbound
in living color!
Even if the content were entirely
edifying, wouldn't that much exposure
still be unbalanced?
And, that raises sorne crucial ques·
tions we need to ask. "Just what are
children watching during these inter–
minable hours ?" "Wbat is fi ll ing their
minds ?" In short, "What is the TV cur–
Ugliness- Inanity–
Noise and V iolence
any single facet of our nationallife
has been thoroughly surveyed, polled,
and researched in recent years, it has
been the content of commercial tele-
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