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esus explained why the world exists in an unhealthy con–
LOVE. At best, human nature appears to be an odd com–
bination of contradictory behavior patterns. A man may jump into
a pool to save his neighbor's drowning wife, even at the risk of
his own life, but he might also steal his neighbor's wife by having
an affair with her.
erence point or points in his life that
assume proportions of such magni–
tude that they qualify for the term
"god." They come in all shapes and
sizes. To sorne people, "god" may
simply be to "do one's own thing."
This is the organizing principie
around which all of that person's
life activities revolve.
Jesus Brings a New
Reference Point
Jesus carne to reveal a different
reference point. He pointed out that
it was impossible to be a complete
love-centered individual without the
right reference point. In order to be
a person who possesses the fullest
expression of love, Jesus said it is
necessary to have contact with the
being whose personality is total
love. That being is God. Jesus said
that God was his Father.
Jesus told his disciples, " ... The
Son can do nothing of himself, but
what he seeth the Father do: for
what things soever he doeth, these
also doeth the Son likewise" (John
5: 19).
The implication is clear. No
human can have true love unless he
loves the true God. Jesus at one
time said the greatest command–
ment is to love God with all one's
being. This vital part of love is le–
gally summed up in the first four
precepts of the Ten Command–
ments: (1) Have no other gods be–
fore the true God. (2) Make no
idols, (3) Don't take God's name in
vain, (4) Keep God's Sabbath.
Jt is not the purpose ofthis article
to explain the significance of each of
PLAIN TRUTH July-August 1973
these laws as they relate to the con–
cept of love. However, sorne brief
explanation regarding one of the
four laws will illustrate the concept.
For example, the weekly Sabbath
reminds a person of bis relationship
to his God. Thus, when a person
ceases from his labor and normal
activities on that day, it stamps into
his mind the reality of that God's
"Out of sight, out of mind," is a
fact of human psychology. Since
God canoot be seen, the very keep–
ing of the Sabbath
a manifesta–
tion of his presence in the life of an
The four commandments have
one motivating principie: to wed the
mind of the human to his God and
to keep out any spiritual impurities
which would weaken and crack that
Humans Can Find True Love
Jesus of Nazareth expressed love
as no individual had ever done be–
fore. He was the very person–
ification of love. "If you keep my
commandments," Jesus said, "you
will abide in my love, just as
kept my Father's commandments
and abide in his love" (John 15:10,
However, Jesus also accomplished
one more very outstanding task. He
showed that a love-filled mind is
available to every human being. He
expressed this idea in the followi ng
terms: "If you love me, you will
keep my commandments.
pray the Father, and he will give
you another Counselor, to be with
you for ever; even the Spirit of
truth, whom the world cannot re–
ceive, because it neither sees him
nor knows him; you know him, for
he dwells wi th you (in the person of
Jesus], and
wilf.5e in you
[u pon con–
version]" (Joh n 14:15- 17, RSV).
The commandments Jesus kept
carne from his fathe r. who origi–
nated them and llimself tives by
them. In fact. the living laws of
human conduct Jesus expounded
merely describe and legalize the
wa y his own mind - and his
Father's mind - would function in a
given situation.
Jesus revealed that the Father is
prepared to make available his Holy
Spirit to combat the non-love ele–
ments of the human mind.
That is why the apostle Paul, one
of many human beings who re–
ceived this spirit. could say. "I am
crucified with Christ : nevertheless l
live; yet not 1 but
Christ liveth in me
[via God's Holy Spirit): and the life
which 1 now live in the flesh 1 live
by the fai th of the Son of God, who
loved me. and gave himself forme"
(Galatians 2:20).
That same Holy Spirit is available
to any human who desires it and is
willing to accept the need to live in
accordance wi th its requirements. l f
you would like further information
on how to become a love-directed
human, please send for a free copy
of the following literature:
The Real
Jesus. Whar Is the True Gospel?. Just
Whar Do You Mean ... Conversion?
The Ten Commandmenrs.
inside front cover for address near–
est you.