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He also admonished: "My son,
mark my words, and accept my
guidance with a will. A prostitu te is
a deep pit. a loose woman. a narrow
well; she lies in wait like a robber
and betrays her husband with man
after man" (Proverbs 23 :26-28).
The prophets of Israel, looking far
into the future. foretold that a time
of great distress would come upon
the people because of physical and
spi ritual harlotry. Jeremiah warned
that a time would come when hon–
esty would be obsolete and morality
laughed at. lnspired by God, he
penned these words: " 1 gave them
all they needed, yet they preferred
adultery, and hau nted the brothels;
each neighs after another man's
wife, like a well-fed and lusty stal–
Jion" (Jeremiah 5:7-8).
Prostitution, wife-swapping, sex–
ual perversions, commercial sex
clubs, and "swinging" are roundly
condemned in the Bible. Because of
sexual immorality and other forms
of lawlessness. God finally ordered
Joshua and the Israelites to expel
the Canaani tes. And he wamed his
they didn't cooperate. Many of
them began to feel gui lt-ridden, but
there seemed to be no escape.
Other girls have been beaten.
threatened. cajoled. and intimidated
by their pimps. Sorne girls have be–
come hboked on drugs by a pimp
who then demands
their profi ts
from prostitution in exchange for
On the o ther hand, occasionally
there is a close relationship between
a girl and her "boyfriend" pimp.
But even then . ma ny problems
arise, the relationship is often shorl–
lived, and the girl eventually finds
PLAIN TRUTH Jvly·Avgvst 1973
people if they fe ll into the same im–
moral decadence. they could expect
a similar fate (Deut. 12:28-32).
The Bible makes plain that if
those who engage in immorality or
prostitution repent of their sins and
turn to God, they can be forgiven.
Jesus himself warned the self-righ–
teous Pharisees, "Surely evil men
and prostitutes will get into the
Kingdom before you do. For John
the Baptist told you to repent and
turn to God, and you wouldn't,
while very evil men and prosti tutes
did ..." (Matthew 21:31-32,
Living Bible).
Many prostitutes listened to the
message of Christ and were con–
verted. The apostle Paul, writing to
converted Christians in the ci ty of
Corinth - famous for its temple
prostitutes and officially sanctioned
sexual practices - told them, "Don't
fool your selves. Those who live im–
morallives, who are idol worshipers,
adulterers or homosexuals - will
have no share in his kingdom...."
He added, "There was a time when
sorne of you were just likc that but
out that there is no real future
prostitution. As she grows older. she
loses her desirability and finds life
"closing in" on her.
Kitty is an example. When she
left high school, she en lered a house
of proslitution. Sex was free and
easy where she carne from, and she
figured she might as well gel paid
for her activily. Over the years, she
worked her way from a hooker'
'The term
.. is derivcd from American Civil
War times. from thc women who followed the divi–
sion ofGeneral Joseph Hooker. A prostitute is also
callcd a '"hus tle r: · ...trumpet:· ..harlo t... or
now your sins are washed away. and
you are set apart for God, and he
has accepted you because of what the
Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of
our God have done for you"
(1 Corinthians 6:9-1 1,
The Living
An example of a young harlot
who repen t ed and became a
changed woman was Rahab (He–
brews JI :31). She had been in the
profession in Jericho (Joshua 2). but
repented of her way of life when she
realized what was about to happen
to her nation because of - among
o ther things - the sin of prostitu–
tion. She became a mother of the
line of David, from which even–
tually Jesus Christ was born (Mat–
thew 1:5).
The story of Rahab is an example
for any who have plunged into sex–
ua l vice and have come to see their
immorality. Change is possible.
Once a person truly repents, there is
no reason to continue to be bur–
dened with feelings of guilt, depres–
sion, or hopelessness.
entirely new
life is possible through God's help!
lo the owner of a legal house of
prostilution in Nevada.
Kitty claims her profession is jus–
tified. "Many men often have per–
sonal problems at home. You know
how wives are. We make a posilive
conlribution to society. Meo come
here for various reasons - not just
for sex. We give lhem someone lhey
can lalk lo."
Kitty says.
" lt
is a watk of life. It's
a means of support. lf a girl is going
to bed with every Tom. Dick, and
Ha rry. why not be in the business
and make a buck out of it? Sorne
girls become nurses, secretaries. or