Page 1866 - 1970S

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What Our Readers
In the January issue of
really enjoyed the articles about
and how one town solves pollu–
llon. ln them you show how people poUute
on the one hand and the beautiful results of
one town solvin¡; its water pollution on the
other. In the aruclc. "Who's That PoUuting
My World?" you bring out statistics about
bow much cacb pcrson really pollutes,
never really considered bcfore.
Evcry issue you publish has a variety of
subjects which are all helpfulto me. lt must
be quite a job for many people in putting
tbat much material together in a magazine,
hope you all will kecp up the great
Patrick W. F.,
Wes ton, Michigan
The article "Sex Begins At Home - For
Teen-agers With Careless Parents" by Paul
W. Kroll is one that shou ld have been seen
by more people. parents. and teen-agers.
Maybe if 1 had seen this article sooner, 1
would not be
now. My pregnancy
has taught me thmgs 1 can pass on to my
own child. Thank you for printing this ar–
úcle. Maybe it can help someone else bc–
fore maldng the same mistake 1 made.
Paula C.,
Fayeueville, North Carolina
One father said Lo his daughter heading
out on a date, "Now dear, have a good time
tonight, and behave yourself." Jokingly,
she replied, "Now Dad, make up your
mind, do you want me to have a good
time or behave myself?" Afier thinking
a minute, be replied, "AII right, then, have
a good time. Have the best time you've
ever had, but have the kind of time that
will remain a good time when you look
back on it. Tomorrow. a week from today,
in a month, a year, in ten years, and from
the realms of eternity. Have a good time."
Ann N.,
Salt Lake City, Utah
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
1 just received the latest PLAJN TRtrrH
and read "The Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse" and felt 1 must oomment on
tbe very moving, vivid portrayal of the sub–
ject and the excellent art work done by Mr.
Schuler. lt was just like being there on Pal–
mos with Jobo; and 1don't think 1 fully re–
alized before what profound experieoces
the men of the Bible went through while
seeing the visions we read abouL ...
Mrs. Dona.ld C.,
Salem, Virginia
Correspondence Course
1 would like 10 register my hearty thanks
to you for offering me this wonderful Cor–
respondence Course.
The oommon cry today is "Nothing for
nothing and very little for a sixpence." Yet
today, a oourse ofparamount importance to
humanity itself is offered to me and mil–
lions of others on that most unheard-of
term: FREE! Surely the Lord's hand is evi–
dent here.
Please accept my gratitude and extend it
lo those responsible for starting and devel–
oping Ibis Course.
Thomas C..
Bromley, Rhodesia
The Forgotten American
I was very much surprised and delighted
to see a Navajo woman and child appear on
the cover of your February PtALN TRUTH
magazine . 1 was equally surprised and
grateful for a well-written presenlatíon of
r-:avajo life in lhe same issue of lhal maga–
My surprises are two-fold; first , 1was not
familiar with your publication and second,
at the time of your interview, 1 did nol
know that you were going to make a fea tu re
article ofyour visit here in Navajoland. For
both of these, 1 am humbly
1 am
especiaLly gratefuJ for being mtroduced 10
magazine and the great worldwide
mtsstonary work of
Herbert W. Arm–
Because of your elfons in writing aboul
the Navajos, you have helped take our mes–
sage to millions of bornes around the world.
We will be forever grateful to you for this
kind deed.
Peter MacDonald, Chairman,
Navajo Tribal Council
Window Rock, Arizona
Universal Appeal
What would J do wilhoul your maga–
zine arriving al my door step cach monlh?
PLAIN TRtrrH does not dea l
only with one kind of arlicle lhal would
suit one kind of person in one country
of a cerlain age. Your magazine is ideal
because it deals wilh everything from the
problem of the old lo lbe daling of lhe
youngs1ers; from war to peace; from food
processing to food shortages and droughls.
Nolhing is missed out.
Fiooa C.,
Edinburgh, Scotland
1 don't know into whose hands my
modest letter
come ... but 1 wish 10
tell you the more J read your arlicles, the
more 1 appreciate and like to rcad them.
... By your diffusion of your magazine
througbout the world, you are doing a
tremendous work of "good," sowing seeds
of lasting value into the heartS of men.
Though many don't accept it willingly,
the seeds will sometimes fall in good
ground, which is a Jasting merit for your
Teodora K .,
Rijeka, Yugoslavia
About three issues ago,
picked up
casuaUy a copy of
PLArN TRtrrH in
the T1verton Library.... Since then, l
have received three or four issues and feel
1 now must write 10 say how rnuch 1 enjoy
lhem and how much they cause me to
think in lerms somewhere of an Alrnighty
Power and thereby affect my daily life
and my bebaviour in thoughts and deeds
. ... 1
arn absolulely amazed 1hat such a
fine publication can be distributed gratis
so very widely. The printing, quality of
paper, colour reproduction are firsl class.
R. G. ,
Tiverton, Devon
In your PLAIN TRuTH magazine of
January on page 9, in regard to lhe key
10 Revelalion. will you picase send me
your booklel
The Book of Revela/ion
Unveiled at Last!
1 am only 94, and no
preacher wiU give me the informalion of
lhe scriptures as do your books and
T. H. S.,
Burbank, California
Your magazine is marvelous. AU sub–
jects are explained perfectly. llook forward
10 each edition. 1 saw the movie "Four
Horsemen of Apocalypse" in 1922 in
Muskogee, Oklahoma. l have read it many
times (also in the Bible) and did not
understand it until I read your issue
January 1973. Thanks for enlightening me.
Marie B.,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Happiness ls
. ..
Your January issue of
was lhe besl yet. l especially enjoyed your
article enlilled "Happiness Is ..." The
quotations from
The Living Bible
1he article a freshness and underslanda–
bi lity lhal one rarely finds in
article. Keep up the good work.
Robert G.,
Lincolnwood, Illinois
Our quotations from
Tbe Living Bible
are r.ot to be understood as fu// endorse–
ment of the translation.
Personal Appearance
1just want 10 teU you how much my hus–
band and llooked forward to the coming of
Mr. Gamer Ted to Richmond, and now he
has come and gone!
was a wonderful
three nights.... The boys and girls in 1he
band and the cborale were so friendly. and
they added so much to the meetings with
their lovely music. We just wish it could
have all been of a longer duration, but
good things come toan end! We just want
10 thank you, through God's guidance, for
selecting Richmo!ld as one of lhe cities lo
send them lo!
was just wonderful!
Mrs. Louis P. H.,
Richmond, Virginia
19 73