Laos and Vietnam. But he said his
people are prepared and vigilant, as
well as experienced in dealing with
the communist menace.
Prime Minister Kiuikachorn then
presented me with two beautiful
full-color portraits, one of himself
alone and the other of himself and
his wife. They had just celebrated
their 42nd wedding anniversary. 1
congratulated him, mentioning that
my wife had died just 3\.-í months
before our 50th or golden anniver–
sary. 1 had presented him with a
beautiful piece of Steuben crystal,
which he seemcd to like very much.
We returned to the airport. taking
with us as guest, as prcviously
planncd, Princess Sukhuma, who
accompanied us to Pasadena. We
returned that same afternoon to
Hong Kong. My temperature was
gonc and the flu had nearly dis–
appeared. but we remained in Hong
Kong for the weekend, because our
next scheduled meeting was for
Monday night in Tokyo.
Monday. March 19: We ftew into
Tokyo to attend a banquet with
Prince Mikasa, brother of Emperor
Hirohito , Ambassador Ron of
Israel. Dr. Ohata, archaeologist
brother of the Emperor of Jopan, hosts a formal dinner in
Tokyo. Seated left to right, Beverly Armstrong Gott, Herbert Armstrong, Prince
Mikasa, Mrs. Stanley Roder. Standing left lo right, Stanley Rader, Dr. O hato,
Moshe Bartur - former Israelí Ambassador to Jopan, and Osamu Gotoh.
from the university. and six other
young Japanese archaeologists and
Middle East scholars. They are to
participate in the archaeological
project at Tel Zeror - an ancient
bíblica! site between the modern
cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa. The
project is cosponsored by the Japa–
nese government and Ambassador
College. Perhaps sorne of our Am–
bassador students may be working
on this project this summer. as well
as on the large archaeological
project at the base of the Temple
Mount, digging down to the palace.
location of the throne of David, in
the ancient city of David. This
project is sponsored jointly by He–
brew University, the Israel Archae–
ological Society and Ambassador
Tuesday, March 20: We had din–
ner with the ambassador from Thai–
land and his wife, invited by
Princess Sukhuma, who was accom–
panying us, and, of course, who had
attended the banquet with us on
Monday night. The Thai ambassa–
dor had formerly been stationed at
the United Nations in
ew York
and also had been stationed
Bonn, West Germany. One of the
children of the ambassador and his
wife had been born
the United
States and was educated in a girls'
school in Virginia.
March 21: At the suggcstion of
former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato.
we had been invited to make a sec–
ond visit to Okinawa, where I was
guest of honor at a smal l and in–
timate banquct sponsored by the
governor of Okinawa and the presi–
den! of the university there.
We were met at the airport by
Mr. Matsumura. director of general
affairs of the University of the
Ryukyus. and Mr. Ichimura, presi–
den! of the university's alumni asso–
ciation and rector of the university's
law institute. The princess accom–
panied us. with my daughter Bev–
erly L. Gott and Mrs. Rader.
Al five that evening, 1 was visited