Page 1862 - 1970S

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the world. Christ as a person has
been preached - and that's good.
But that is NOT Christ's gospel ! If
you ask such a minister what is the
solution to all the world's problems,
he may say, "CHRIST is the answer!"
es, but just
that Jesus is
the Christ
Christ's gospel tells HOW and WHEN
God, through Christ, is going to
solve these frightful and weighty
problems that fall on the shoulders
of such leaders as President Giri
and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
The announcement of the Kingdom
of God - the soon-coming, world–
ruling govemment of God is the
good news!
I am learning more and more
about these problems and man's
elforts to solve them, in such meet–
ings. And, 1 aro having an opportu–
nity to get more and more of this
oooo NEWS over to those struggling
with this present world's problems,
through its governments.
have, in my lifetime, met hun–
dreds of the great and the near great
- multimillionaire heads of great
industrial corporations, heads of
great educational institutions, heads
of great banks and governments,
and no matter how lofty the position
or status,
one is allowed to look
deeply into their personal lives, he
discovers thal they have their per–
sonal troubles, disappointments, un–
because they don't know
rhe way!
Christ's gospel reveals the
AY - both for the individual and
for the nation. But the gospel HAS
comprehension of the world! I know
well lhat average minds - even of
the few millions who will read these
words - have been so conditioned
by this world's education, customs
and beliefs that even when 1 explain
this vital gospel in these pages, they
are not going lO REALLY GET IT.
Most have been so tilled with this
world's philosophies, where the vital
dimension in knowledge is missing,
that the average mind simply
Prime Minister Thanom Kittikochorn (right) and Herbert W. Armstrong (left).
doesn't grasp the wonderful TRUTH.
But my cornmission is merely to
PROCLAIM or TEACH Íl - not to force
any to accept it. God's own king–
dom and solution to world problems
and individual, personal problems
IS GOING TO COME, On schedule -
and your believing it or not believ–
ing it will neither prevent it nor has–
ten it.
People read books - the phi loso–
phy of roen ignorant of the missing
knowledge, or fiction ,
or technical books or books tilled
with sex - and their rninds become
so tilled with WRONG knowledge,
which fails lo point the right way,
thal their minds cannot receive the
real TRUTH when their eyes read it
or lheir ears hear it. People try to
escape through drugs, alcohol or
even through religion that is devoid
of the truth of the true gospel - and
they find NO ANSWERS - NO SOLU–
TIONS. Sorne till their minds with
ideas of a personal life-slyle and
focus their interest on crazy new
styles, fads or fasbions. The young
try to look MATURE, and lhe roature
(at least physically) try to look
young. And as Solomon observed,
VANITY" and a searching
after a handful of wind!
But back to lhe trip.
On Thursday evening, Mr. Rader
attended a small galhering at Dr.
Singh's residence and met the
younger son of Prime Minister In–
dira G andhi. This young roan was
trained as an engineer in India and
trained on the job
the Rolls–
Royce factory in England. He is
presently embarking on a prívate
enterprise to produce an all-India
automobile of the Volkswagen type.
His name is Sanjay Gandhi. He ex–
tended an invitation to our party to
dine at the Prime Minister's borne
on our trip in May.
Dr. Singh also invited us to visit
the World Court at The Hague on
our May trip.
At 10 a.m. March
we were
again airborne for Jakarta, on the
island of Java, in Indonesia.
was a
6-hour 40-minute flight nonstop -
lasting virtually all day.
That morning I had come down
with the flu and a severe bead cold.
It was the start of a three-day fast
for me. On the plane,
sipped lemon juice and honey - but
took no food. The next day at Ja–
karta, I ran a temperature of over
102. Al Jaka rta l remained contined
to my room. Jakarta is just south of
the equator, and it's steamy hot
there. The air-conditioning in my
room at the hotel was one of these
window contraptions, and it was al-