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The worldhas tradedin one superstition
for another. The iron handofmedieval
theologians has been replacedby the
educated fist of evolutionists.
scientific features. Many who be–
lieve in creation themselves don' t
fully grasp the biblical revelation
about creation.
Scientists and tbeologians
that the Bible states the heavens and
the earth were created 6,000 years
ago. Sorne Bibles even have such a
date in their margins, attributed toa
chronology devised by Archbishop
However, the fact remains tha t
theologians and scientists alike have
erred in coming to this conclusion.
The Bible nowhere pinpoints the
time of creation.
simply says, "In
the beginning. ..."
Fixi ty of Species
The second major a rea of misun–
derstanding involves the contro–
versy over what theologians and
scientists have considered to be the
proper de.finition of the animal and
plant "kinds" mentioned in Genesis,
each of which reproduces "after his
kind" (Genesis
11 , 12, 21, etc.). At
the recent convention of the Na–
tional Association of Biology Teach–
ers in California, it was evident that
that the Gen–
esis "kinds" referred to every last
species and variety as being individ–
uaUy created by divine fiat. They
branded this coocept of biology as
preposterous and totally illogical.
They said it directly contradicted
observations in the natural world.
These same evolutionists were
surprised to leam that modero cre–
ationists do not believe in such "fix-
ity of species" at all. The simple
bíblica! statement, the creationists
pointed out, is that each "kind"
reproduces after its own "kind."
The boundaries between different
"kinds" are not specificalJy de.fined
in the Bible. That is a proper area
for biologists to investigate.
The geological record itself has
failed to yield indisputable evidence
of continuous change. After over
100 years of intensive research, tbe
gaps between the basic kinds of
plants and animals still exist in the
fossil record!
But let's go a step further. Simply
because each "kind" reproduces af–
ter its own kind does not mean there
can be no variation within an origi–
nal Genesis kind.
There are many varieties of dogs,
horses, and cats. Yet each of these
varieties is still a member of the
same original kind . A Siamese cal is
still a cat; a Clydesdale is still a
horse; a Holstein is stiU a cow; a
French poodle is still a dog! These
variations are not a proof of organic
evolution. Variations are merely
new varieties arising
the orig–
inal Genesis kinds; they do not con–
stitute evolution into entirely new
kinds. Variations are due both to
mutations and to the hereditary
characteristics of plants and ani–
mals, and variations are
new forros of life!
For example, Genesis states that
God created a man and a woman -
one couple - Adam and Eve.
ther records that Eve is the "mother
of all living" (Genesis 3:20). This
means that all the races - or vari–
eties - of humanity are descended
from Adam and Eve and constitute
"mankind. "
Thus there is no conftict between
the biblical record and the facts of
A New Religion
Most have never understood the
true bíblica! record. Few have ever
looked into the Bible to see what it
really says. Many misguided theolo–
gians have misinterpreted the Bible.
and equally misinformed scientists.
seeing that the theologians were
wrong, assumed the Bible was also
Consequently, evolutionists re–
jected religion, but in so doing they
invented a new religious faith - the
dogma of evolution.
cause, principie, or sys tem of beJjefs
held to with ardor and faith. " Belief
in evolution fits this definition.
The world has traded in one su–
perstition for another. Religious
dogma has given way before the on–
slaught of evolutionary faith. The
iron hand of medieval theologians
has been replaced by the educated
fist of evolutionists.
Both the modern religion of evo–
lution and the medieval religion in–
herited from ancient Babylon are in
error. Overlooked and misunder–
stood by both sides is the simple,
factual, logical record of the Bible,
which squares with the known facts
of science!