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any lasting value in this land where
instability and uncertainty are so
often the hallmarks of Life.
A well-informed diplomat in Bei–
rut summed up these pessimistic
feelings in telling
"Most here realize tha t there can be
no agreement. Nothing would last
except possibly an interim agree–
meot at best."
The desires of Israel and the sur–
rounding Arab states are simply too
divergent and their opposing wills
too strong. Even the big powers
themselves know that those calling
for pressure tactics against the op–
posing sides fail to comprehend the
fu ll dimensions of the problem.
Israel demands lasting security
and w.ants guarantees that her bor–
ders will not be infringed upon.
Most Israelis feel strongly that at
least sorne of the occupied terri–
tories must be retained to protect
the state's growing population cen–
ters. Also, Israel requires that Arab
states recognize her sovereignty as a
bona fide na tion equal to her neigh–
The Arab stand is diametrically
opposite. The Arabs want all lsraeli–
occupied territories, including lands
Israel deems vital to her security,
returned to them, plus what they
would consider an equitable deter–
mination of the Palestinian issue
and other unsettled questions. Of
course, not all Arabs agree on these
prerequisites of peace, either. Sorne
still call for an end to the state of
Israel as the only solution to the
History in the Making
The outlook for the immediate fu–
ture is a big question mark. Experts
in Washington, Western Europe
and throughout the Middle East do
know what the future holds or
what the final outcome will be. They
assert, almos t with one voice, that
the future is uncertain. As seen
of United Nations
peace-keeping forces cruises post
damaged Egyptian building.
Nik Wheeler - Block Stor
through the eyes of one long-time
observer, "Both sides really mean
business, and something's got to
One thiog is agreed upon in all
corners: This is potentially the
world's most dangerous trouble ceo–
ter. The often opposing nationalistic
self-interests ofWestern Europe, the
United States, the Soviet Union,
mainland China and burgeoning Ja–
pan converge in the Middle East as
in nowhere else.
Is there no way of knowing the
outcome of this world crisis?
The Only Solution
What, then, is the answer to the
lsraeli-Arab dispute? How can
peace be achieved in the Middle
East tinderbox? The outside powers
cannot bring it about. Arabs cannot
accomplish it. The Israelis are not
able to achieve a solution.
The truth is,
human authority
or power has the ability or the wis–
dom to "cut through" the gordian
knot of the Middle East problem!
Either the problem is insoluble or
the answer must lie
the prov–
ince of mankind!
Surprisingly, there
a workable
solution to this explosive crisis. But
will not be brought about in the
way that most people or observers
would expect.
The solution is revealed in the
pages of the world's greatest best
seller - the Bible.
Biblical prophets predicted a time
when God himself would intervene
in world affairs and straighten out
the trouble spots of the world, in–
cluding the Middle East.
lsaiah foretold a time when all
nations willlive in peace - and will
receive instruction from Jerusalem
on how to live and dwell in safety
and peace (Isaiah 2: 1-4).
The prophet Zechariah said much
the same thing (Zechariah 8:20-23).
Although Jerusalem has been "a
burdensome stone for all people"
and " a cup of trembling" (Zech–
ariah 12:2-3) to all the nations in-
volved in the Middle East conflict, it
will not always be so.
Uninvited by the warring nations,
but nevertheless right on schedule,
Jesus Christ is coming again to Jeru–
salem. He is re turning for the ex–
press purpose of enforcing a reign of
peace over the Middle East and the
entire world.
Coming upon the world scene
with ali the divine power and au–
thority of the Almighty God, Christ
himself will determine once and for
all who belongs where and which
property goes lo what nation. There
will be no more squabbles, no more
assertings of nationalistic self-con–
cerns while sacrificing the common
good. The enmity and blood that
stains the hands of both Arabs and
Israelis - and all other nations as
weU - will be washed clean, the
contentions between them finally
laid to rest.
"In that day shall Israel be the
third with Egypt and with Assyria,
even a blessing in the midst of the
land: whom the Lord of hosts shall
bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my
people, and Assyria the work of my
hands, and Israel mine inheritance"
(Isaiah 19:24-25).
When the final account of man's
history is written, it will display a
world finally at peace. After God
takes charge, the nations of Israel
and the Arab world, not to mention
other feuding nations and races, will
al! finally be on the closest, most
brotherly of terms.
That's why, in the pages of
PLAIN TRUTH, we call this reign of
peace by Jesus Christ the wonderful
world tomorrow. T hat 's exactly
what it will be!
Since there has been so much more
of this "advance news" written than
could possibly be explored in this ar–
ticle, there is one vitaUy importan!
full-color boolclet that is yours free for
the asking.
The Wonderful World
Wi/1 Be Like.
(See inside fro nt cover for address
nearest you.)