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modern world - a world living in
the time of the end, the "day of his
[Christ's) coming" (Malachi 3:2).
God continues: " Bring ye all the
tithes into the storehouse, that there
may be meat in mine house, and
prove me now herewith
[that is, prove
me in regard to this matter of tith–
ing], if
wi ll not open you the win–
dows of heaven, and pour you out a
blessing, that there
sha/1 not be room
enough lo receive
it' '(Malachi 3: 10).
Here is God's test - his chalJenge
to you. God says to prove him. Put
his promise to the test and see if he
won' t bless you in unexpected ways
and pour out blessings on you for
Personal from
(Continued Jrom page 1)
completed, in great confusion, there
were many doubts about it being
the end of the war. Even weeks be–
fore the cease-fue agreement,
tinued saying, week after week, the
Communists wiU never stop pushing
on. If it is not by open, organized
war, then it wiU be by infil–
tration, propaganda, sabotage, or
guerrilla warfare. Prime Minister
Lee of Singapore called it an
Actually, I've said tbe armi–
stice ending World War I was
merely a recess - and that's pre–
cisely what the word "armistice"
means. In 1939, Adolf Hitler de–
cided the recess was over - and we
had World War II. .Now we are in
another recess before tbe final nu–
clear World War III. Oh, it won' t be
the end of the EARTH's existence -
or of human life upon it - but it as–
there exists
tbat aU-powerful
hand from
SOMEPLACE, to stop it. There wilJ be
a peaceful and happy WORLD TO–
MORROW, but meanwh ile, we're
having our wars in Vietnam, Korea,
your faithfulness. Sorne of God's
blessings wilJ be tangible, easily dis–
cernible; others will be intangible,
spiritual, but just as real.
Do you have the courage to obey
God? Do you have the streogth of
character to take him at his word, to
accept his challenge, and put him to
the test? Can you believe God?
"And I will rebuke the devourer
[agricultura) pests, such as locust
plagues, etc.) for your sakes, and he
shall not destroy the fruits of your
ground ," says God. Conti nuing,
"neither· shall your vine cast her
fruit before the time in the field
... and all na tions shall call you
the Midd1e East, and religious war
in Northern lreland, besides sorne
40 other wars and ski rmishes since
the end of World War
is everywhere. Do you expect meto
tell you we' re going to have beau–
tiful PEACE in Vietnam, in such a
world? I on1y wish 1 could!
Let me give you a guick summary
of the condition in Vietnam
as of
cease-fire day. The agreement be–
tween Washington and Hanoi did
NOT require the Communist North
Vietnamese to withdraw their troops
that were already in South Vietnam.
There has been a guestion as to
whether the South Vietnamese gov–
ernrnent of President Thieu could
survive politically in an election
since so maoy of those Communists
are in the villages of South Vietnam
and can control vi llage votes.
What Now Lies Ahead?
Here's what I find over here in the
Far East :
The beads of governments in this
part of the world - from Tokyo to
Canberra in Australia - are all
looking at the uncertain political fu–
ture of the post-war Far East - and
1 only HOPE it is "post-war." There
has been scurryiog to forro new
plans - new alliances - during this
past week, and
it has centered pri–
marily in Bangkok.
blessed: for ye shall be a delight–
some land, sa ith the Lord of hosts"
(Malachi 3: 11 - 12).
Tithing is a spiritual, financiallaw
tha t produces dividends, that pro–
vides unexpected benefits when you
may be thrown out of work.
guaranteed by the direct promise of
the Almighty.
Titbing pays - physically and
spiritually. Millions suffer needless
financia! worries and other prob–
lems because they are in ignorance
of this spiritual law of God.
God is waiting to fulfill his prom–
ises in you r Iife. Will you let
Here in Tokyo, Prime Minister
Tanaka, with whom I have had two
personal meetings, talked of "a new
age" - of a " turning point" - and
of a "new chapter" in Far Eastern
Important meetings have been
taking place in Bangkok, where
have been for the past few days.
Singapore's Prime Minis ter Lee
Kuan Yew and his aides flew into
Bangkok to discuss plans for Asia's
future with Thailand's Prime Minis–
ter Thanom Kittikachorn. Austra–
lia's Prime Minister Whitlam is
flying to Jakarta to discuss a bilate–
ral defense agreement with Presi–
dent Suharto of Indonesia. I had a
personal meeting of about an hour
with President Suharto sorne six
months ago. He is very much con–
cerned with combatting Commu–
nism from
within his
Last Wednesday morning, in
Bangko k , the newspape rs a n–
nounced tha t Henry Kissinger, Pres–
iden! Nixon's personal envoy and
Assistant Na tional Security Affairs
adviser, would be arriving at Bang–
kok ai rport in the second of the
presidentia! jets -
Air Force II
on Thursday night with a contingent
of 14
S. government officials. He
was scheduled to have a meeting at
7:30 F riday morning with Thai–
land's Prime Minister K ittikachorn,