Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
WARNING: X-rays Are a Health
X-rays and X-ray equipment have expanded
knowledge in both medicine and industry. But what
many people have failed to reali ze is that a long with the
benefits are risks.
Every X-ray, no matter how small, may be geneti–
cally harmful to sorne degree. The effects are cumula–
tive. They do not wear off. Known X-ray health risks
include leukemia, cancer of the central nervous system,
bone tumors, thyroid cancer, Iung carcinoma, eye cata–
racts, sterility, and damage to unborn children (mongol–
oidism, cancers, and physical and mental deformities).
This is what you should do to minimize the harm–
ful effects ofX-rays: Don' t take X-rays lightly ! D on't in–
sist on an X-ray when a competent professional doesn ' t
feel one ís necessary. Keep track of the dates and kínds
of X-rays you and your family have had i.n the past.
Physícíans or dentists may be able to consult these
rather than make new ones. Don't have a full set of den–
tal X-rays of your mouth made once a year. This is un–
necessary and risky. If an X-ray is requíred, have it
done by a radiologist if possible. Radiologists are spe–
cially trained in the use of X-ray equipment and radi–
ation protection. They are more aware of X-ray health
lf the Accelerator Sticks
. . .
Put yourself in this position: While driving down
the road in heavy traffic, the accelerator sticks! What do
you do?
Whatever you do - don't panic! One young
woman in just such a situation did. In her panic, she put
the car in reverse. The car spun wildly out of control
and slammed into a nearby house. Happily, the house
was empty. Fortunately too, the young woman was not
critically injured.
If it happens to you, stay calm. Begin braking, but
don' t slam on the brakes. At the same time, if your car
has an automatic transmission, put it in neutral.
car has a standard transmlSSIOn, depress the clutch.
Safely brake to a stop - to the side of the road,
sible, and then shut off the ignition. Sorne people advise
shutting off the ignition before switching to neutral or
depressing the clutch to prevent the car's engine from
over-revving, but th.is could be dangerous in a car with
power steering and/or power brakes.
Most ljkely, the accelerator linkage needs lubrica–
tion, but whatever the cause for the sticking, be sure the
accelerator assembly is immediately examined. Have
the accelerator assembly oiled the next time your car is
being greased, to prevent the problem of an accelerator
sticking in the first place.
Food Supplements Can Be
Potential Dangers
Michael and Stephen, 15-month-old twins, got
hold of their babysitter's bottle of iron tablets. Before
the babysitter realized what was happening, the young–
sters had gulped down a number of the pills. Although
the twins were rushed to the hospital within 30 minutes,
little Michael died. Stephen only barely survived. The
cause of death on Michael's deatb certificate was la–
beled Ferric Toxernia dueto an overdose of iron tablets.
Michael's autopsy revealed that every vital organ
body had been damaged.
Though iron tablets and iron-fortified vitamins can
be especially dangerous, fat soluble vitamins can also be
toxic by themselves if overdoses are taken. "Concen–
trated preparations of any of the fat-soluble vitamirLs
should be used with caution and only under direction of
physician," warn Drs . Bogert, Briggs, and Calloway in
their book,
Nutrition and Physical Fitness,
p. 311.
Vitarnin and mineral supplements ought to be kept
out of reach of children. For more vital irLformation
about health and nutrition, write for our free articles,
"Why Aren't Your Children More Healthy?" and
Seven Laws of Radiant Health.
See the inside front
cover for the address of
TRUTH office nearest
- Patrick