Page 1778 - 1970S

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in a position to speculate as to the
And dissenting
ustice Byron R.
White said, "The Court apparently
values the convenience of the preg–
nant mother more than the contin–
ued existence and development of
the life or potential life which she
For the past five years, pressures
have been accelerating in the West–
ern world to make abortions legal.
These pressures have been primarily
one-sided and well organized. The
protests of the Roman Catholic
Church have been far less vocif–
erous. There have been other indig–
nant, emotionally aroused protests,
but none sufficiently strong to
match the organized demand for le–
gal abortion.
All this is another drop down–
ward on the moral toboggan slide.
The "new morality"
new nor moral. I t merely appears
new since it follows the era of Victo–
rían prudery and medieval Roman
Catholic domination of moral stan·
dards. The opposite extreme has
taken over. Permissiveness has be–
fouled the air. Promiscuous sex has
accelerated. Fornication and adul–
tery have gained public toleration, if
not complete acceptance.
For 25 years, outright profanity
has been accepted on the stage. Fi–
nally, in sorne areas, actual and sim–
ulated nude sex performances have
been tolerated. Sorne movies have
descended all the way into the
rated cesspool.
And now the question of whether
legal abortion amounts to legal per–
mission to commit murder does not
appear to raise many eyebrows or
ignite indignant tlames of heated
These current trends accompany
the alarming increase in crime, in
broken bornes and divorce, increas–
ing violence, racial strife, riots, ar-
son and sniper killings.
These are the conditions. These
are the trends.
But what are the answers to all
these problems of modern society?
The editors of
often say that newspapers, news–
casts and news magazines report the
news, picture the conditions, and
pose the questions, but
TRUTH givés the answers, reveals
Also, we have said that when so–
ciety looks to science and tech–
nology for solutions to society's
problems and evils, we find that
these questions are outside their
field. We look to modern education,
but find
generally unconcerned
about moral and spiritual standards.
The emphasis in education today is
on the intellect. Governments have
no solutions. Governments may
pass laws and sometimes enforce
them, but they are neither teachers
nor custodians of morals, short of
crimes. Religion has failed to make
this a better world. Religion is hope–
lessly divided on doctrines and on
what is truth, and many large reli–
gious groups have been tacitly add–
ing their assent to the current
IMmoral "new motality."
Where, for Authoritative
Right Answers?
said, the newscasts, newspa–
pers and news magazines report the
happenlngs and the evils. Our
Philip Wylies and John O'Haras
have painted masterful word-pic–
tures of the world's troubled and
sick society. But their brilliant rheto–
ric stops short ofworkable solutions.
WHERE, then, for right answers?
a supreme authority that
reveals infallibly
answers. It is,
unfortunately, a neglected, rejected,
misrepresented, maligned, almost
totally misunderstood authority.
there is no other!
That is the
reason this world goes on suffering
in confusion, full of evils that should
not exist. Thos'e who refuse even to
listen to this one supreme authority
have only to say in hopelessness,
don't know - I'm ignorant."
The plain truth about
lite -
it is,
it is,
it is and
leads - is very essential knowledge.
But the tragedy of human society is
that it has been deceived into ac–
cepting humanly reasoned fables,
postulates and errors in the guise of
knowledge, science and truth. And
this sick, sick world suffers on!
The one supreme and sure au–
thority is the world's best seller -
the same book so many religious de–
nominations claim as the source of
their beliefs. Yet , incredible though
it seems, most oftheir teachings and
customs today are diametrically
contrary to those of the book they
profess to follow! They
the true and right answers to ques–
tions, problems and evils if they
would read it like it is. But they in–
terpret away the one tenth of it they
use, while ignoring utterly the other
nine tenths.
Assuredly, as Bruce Barton said,
the Bible is "the book that nobody
knows"- well,
nobody! We
can understand it - ifwe are willing
- and what an eye-opener it is to
the one willing to be astonished by
what it really does reveal !
And Now - Our Answer
know well this is a highly con–
troversia! question.
can tell you
only what this authoritative Source,
from the Maker of us all, reveals.
One may take it or leave it - and
the world has been "leaving
entirely too long, to its own hurt! I
merely give it to you to accept or re–
When, then, does a human life
start? When does it become a
human Life, the taking of which is
Is it actually a human life at and
from conception? Or does it first be–
come a human life when an embryo
becomes a fetus - approximately
three months after conception? Or
become a human life only at
The answer to those questions de–
termines whether abortion is mur–
And who, after all, is the giver of