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is a worldwide problem, and violent
crimes are becoming more blatant,
common, and customary.
Next in sequence, Jesus said ,
"This gospel of the kingdom will be
preached throughou t the whole
world, as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come" (verse
That is happening before your
very eyes! With global communica–
tions, the advent of radio, television,
modern printíng presses, and so–
phisticated computers, the gospel of
the Kingdom of God is being pro–
claimed to all the world - to all na–
tions. Never before in all history
was this humanly possible. But our
age is seeing this remarkable proph–
·ecy fulfilled for the first time!
The Ultimate Catastrophe
Wbat would happen next? Jesus
then mentioned armies threateniog
the Middle East and warfare (Matt.
24: 15-20).
"For then," said Jesus,
"there will be great tribulation, such
as has not been from the beginning
of the world until now, no, and
never will be. And if those days had
not been shortened, no human
being would be saved; but for the
sake of the elect those days
shortened" (Matthew
The prophet Jeremiah spoke of
the same period, using similar lan–
guage. He prophesied
ago: "Thus says the Lord: We have
heard a cry of panic, of terror, and
no peace. Ask now, and see, can a
man bear a child? Why then do 1
see every man with
hands on
loins like a woman in labor? Why
has every face turned pale? Alas!
that day is so great there is none like
is a time of distress for Jacob
[that is, the modern descendants of
Jacob, or "Israel," as he was later
called]; yet he shall be saved out of
it" (Jeremiah
Consider. Both Jeremiah and
Christ spoke of a future time such as
the world has never seen before.
Logic impels us to conclude that
they must have been speaking of the
same future period, because two
separate times cannot excel each
other in being the greatest. Only one
time can be the "greatest," or the
But another Old Testament
N ever wos there o t ime l ike our oge. The
frightening possibi lity of thermonuclear wor, the
populot ion explosion, global pollution, and o host
of other problems combine to imperi l the existence
of all mankind.
" But there hove olwoys been prophets of
doom," soy the skeptics. lf you would like to prove
whether we ore living in " the t ime of the end" -
referred to dozens of times by the prophets of the
Bible - then w rite for this new, full-color, free
See inside front c;over fo r odd ren of
office neorest you.
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973
prophet spoke of the very same
period. Daniel wrote: "At the time
of the end the king of the south shall
attack him; but the king of the north
shall rush upon him like a whirl–
wind, with chariots and horsemen
[Daniel used terms familiar to him,
but was referring to modem sol–
diers], and with many ships; and he
shall come into count ries and shall
overflow and pass through. He shall
come into the glorious land [the
land of Judah or modero Israel in
the Middle East]. And tens of thou–
sands shall fall ..." (Daniel
Notice that Daniel was speaking
of armies in the Middle East, at tbe
"time of the end," (verse
Jesus Christ spoke of armies threat–
ening Jerusalem and those living in
that region.
Daniel continues, in chapter
twelve: "At that time shall arise
Michael , the great prince who has
charge of your people. And there
shall be a time of trouble, sucb as
never has been since there was a na–
tion till that time; but at that time
your people shall be delivered, every
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