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bingworth, Essex, in England, con–
templating solutions to the world's
population problem, put forth this
shocking question : " If reproduction
was somehow to be prevented and
!ove to be retained, may not a ho–
mosexual relationship be socially if
not morally preferable?"
"Gay" Denominations
Entire Christian- professing
churches now exist, complete with
liturgy, choirs, and marriage cere–
monies - which are comprised al–
most exclusively of male and female
homosexuals, pastors included.
One such church is a New York
Ci ty based denomination. Four
churches reportedly make up this
gay denomination. Another homo–
sexual church, the largest, is based
in Los Angeles. It is called the Uni–
versal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches.
Forty other churches, besides the
parent church in Los Angeles, make
up this "gay" fellowship. They ex–
tend from Honolulu, Hawaü, across
the United States to New York City,
and into Great Britain. Other new
churches are being planned. One is
to open soon in Sydney, Australia.
The total attendance in these con–
gregations is already over 15,000.
For an increasing number o f
people, especially homosexuals
themselves, these recent deve l–
opments appear to be great strides
forward in the homosexual's fight
for complete acceptance into Chris–
tianity and society.
Said one homosexual who is now
preparing for the ministry (sum–
ming up this growing attitude
toward acceptance of homosexual–
ity): "I am a Christian, a homosex–
ual, and a Baptist, and 1 do not find
anything grotesque, unnatural, and
sinful about loving a roan and hav–
ing sexual relations with
Society as a whole is approving
homosexual behavior. It is a prime
reason why acceptance of homosex–
uali ty is spreading into the world's
The prevailing attitude in society
is that what a person does behind
bedroom door is bis business -
bis "own thing."
Laws against homosexuality are
being minimized, even eliminated.
England legalized homosexuality
between consenting adults in 1967.
Denmark did as far back as 1930;
and Sweden did so in 1944. West
Germany, the Netherlands, Switzer–
land, Luxembourg, and even ltaly
have also legalized acts of homosex–
uality between consenting adults.
Already in the United States, such
states as Colorado, Connecticut, Illi–
nois, Oregon, and Hawaii allow acts
of homosexuality between con–
senting adults.
Social scientists and educators are
increasi ngly saying that society
should have "more understanding
for homosexuals." We are asked to
accept them as persons and accept
their homosexuality as just another
Homosexua ls themselves a re
openly grouping together in orga–
nized societies. They publish news–
lette rs, magazines, books, and
publicly demonstrate on behalf of
their homosexuality. Sorne are even
militant about it.
What's tbe pseudo-scientific rea–
soning behind this trend of accept–
ing homosexuality? Homosexuals,
and those on the side of accepting
homosexuality, begin their argu–
ment with reference to history and
noted historical persons who were
The Historical Perspective
Throughout history homosexual–
ity has been practiced by members
of some of the most primitive tribes,
as well as by members of sorne of
the most advanced civilizations.
Anciently, the Greeks considered
homosexuality normal. Female ho–
mosexuality was so widespread on
the Aegean island of Lesbos in the
sixth century B.C. that lesbianism
became the term for female homo–
Look at today. Homosexuality is
practiced to sorne extent in every
majar country of the world. Most
large cities around the world have
their "gay" neighborhoods. Sorne
cities have neighborhoods replete
with "gay" parks, restaurants, book–
stores, laundries, clothing stores,
barbers, and even shops with greet–
ing cards for "gay" occasions.
Homosexua ls can be found
among every class of people: truck
drivers, farmers, laborers, factory
workers, teachers, executives, arti–
sans, scientists, and política! and re–
ligious figures.
Sorne lO million homosexuals are
in the United States alone. (Sorne
figures go as high as 20 million.)
Great Britain has at least 3 million
homosexuals. In fact most advanced
nations have a ratio of at least one
homosexual for every twenty per–
" Homosexuality was common
among the ancients. It's common
today - millions of people are
homosexual! So how could it be
wrong?" the homosexual asks.
Amazi ngly, sorne profess ing
Christians are caught up in the same
arguments on behalf of homosex–
uals and homosexuality.
Those who defend homosexuality
claim a number of famous persons
among the ranks of those who were
homosexual in the past: Socrates,
Plato, Julius Caesar, Whitman, and
But whether or not those famous
roen were homosexual doesn' t make
any ditference. That is not the crite–
rion for judgment. No matter how
many were homosexual
the past,
are homosexual now, and no matter
how widespread it is, how accept–
able it may seem, who accepts it, or
who says it is permissible, the ac–
tions and opinions of men are not
the standard.
There is a standard by which men
are to be judged. It is time we took a
look at
standard instead of
man's opinions and human reason-
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973