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forced to face the seriousness of his
conduct - and he must be otfered
compassionate help to overcome his
Alcoholics Anonymous has been
perhaps the single most etfective
means of helping alcoholics. It pro–
vides compassion and understand–
ing for those who seek its help. l t
provides round-the-clock assistance
to a "brother" alcoholic in trouble.
And further,
provides a standard
- a certain rule of conduct - that
alcoholics must seek to live by. That
standard is the standard of sobriety,
of striving to remain saber.
Love and firmness are the keys to
overcoming alcoholism. But as
coholics Anonymous itself admits,
there is another key: That is the in–
tervention and power of God.
God in heaven laves each one of
us. We are His creation, and He de–
sires us to be healthy, whole, and
soundminded. He bates drunk–
enness because He knows it ruins
lives. He is always willing to help
any victim of alcoholism to escape
from the clutches of that slavery and
begin a new life. That help God of–
fers on the condition that such a
person sincerely repents of sin -
lawlessness - and accepts Jesus
Christ as Saviour to forgive his sins,
to clean up his life, and to give him
the spiritual strength he needs to re–
sist sin in the future.
If you desire more information,
write for our free literature, "Alco–
holism - A Worldwide Curse,"
Seven Laws of Success,
What Do You Mean ... Salvation?
This is a free service in the public
interest. O
Emst Herb
Plain Truth