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What Do
There are
but only
one gen–
uine way for
to be at peace with God and
with himself. You need to understand what that
LARGE, muscular shoulders
shook, and bis chest heaved
wi th sobbing as Roy told us
about himsel f. Now a rancher in the
American Southwest, Roy re–
counted his past life in the cow
towns, the bars, the red light dis–
tricts - and the wretchedness he
had gotten himself into in the mili–
tary service in World War 11.
He had certainly had more than
his share of "fun" - of sleazy night–
clubs, drunkenness, prostitutes and
venereal disease, of hangovers, head–
aches, run-ins with the military po–
lice, jail, bail bondsmen and doctors.
What Roy Did
We were standing on the bank of
a small river just after we had bap–
tized Roy. We were dripping wet ,
secluded by trees, ready to ask the
great God who made the beauty
around us to give this man His
Spirit - His very natUie, cha racter
and spiritual strength.
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973
way 1s.
We later said our good-byes, got
back into the car and waved a final
good-bye to this tall American
the years that fol–
lowed, we saw him change and grow
from a tough-talking, whiskey–
drinking, chain-smoking, hard–
headed but very empty and frus–
trated individua l into one of the
kindest, most dependable husbands
and fathers in the American South–
west. He was still hardworking and
resourceful, but now he knew where
he was going, and he knew the way.
He no longer blustered and bristled
with impatience, tension and inner
restlessness. He had a quiet con–
fidence and peace of mind that was
noticeable to those who had known
him before.
Through months of üstening care–
fully to
The World Tomorrow
cast, reading
tinally leaming to study the Bible
and meditate on its principies, this
man was changed.
He had come to prove the exis–
tence of and know the true God -
the Creator and Ruler of all that is,
the One who even now is inter–
vening in world affairs according to
His own master plan. Roy had
proved that the Bible is the inspired
revelation of tha t God. He had
come to know and accept the true
Messiah of the Bible, Jesus Christ,
who not only died for our sins, but
who also now sits at the right hand
of the Great Governor of the Uní–
verse and who is ready to return
soon to earth as Kíng of kings to
rule the na tíons of this earth.
Roy had proved these fundamen–
tal points and had surrendered his
life and will to the Creator G od.
And what Roy did, every living man
and woman must do - in God's
time and according to His calling.
ls Your Mind Open?
Roy, of course, is not the typical
or average person. His life was more