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Personal from
Beyond Vietnam
NCE AGAIN let'S take a quick
look at wbat lies beyond the
Vietnam war.
1 have explained many times be–
fore that the Communists are dedi–
cated to a struggle for
That struggle has gane
on since 1917 - more than
They have not relaxed in their
struggle to achieve their goal after
years - and they won't. Commu–
nists are committed to the goal of
world domination, even if it re–
quires another generation or ten
more generations. From early child–
hood, a sense of sacrifice and dedi–
go on to accomplish that
goal is instilled within them. It is
their life.
But in the United States and in
Britain, there is no national purpose
- no goal instilled into our youth
from babyhood, toward which to
strive. That's one reason it seems we
just can't understand Cornmunism.
When the United States was coming
into serious involvement in Viet–
nam, the Communists were making
big inroads in Malaysia, Singapore
and Indonesia in the days of Presi–
dent Sukarno. But then Prime Min–
ister Lee of Singapore outwitted
them, and General Suharto drove
them out of Indonesia, setting up bis
new military govemment over In–
donesia, with himself as President.
But the Communists didn't quit.
They continued fighting in Vietnam.
And although a cease-fue has been
signed, it is merely a recess - a tem-
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973
porary time-out for North Vietnam
to regroup its forces. In their own
due time, they will attack again in
South Vietnam. Don't think that a
cease-fue means a permanent peace.
In my meeting with President Su–
harto in Djakarta a few months ago,
he went to sorne length to tell me of
the battle he still has on bis hands to
avoid being taken over by the Com–
munists. He said he thought it might
take five years before Red China
would be in a position to try to at–
tack Indonesia with a heavy military
force - but he fears far
Communist activity WITHIN bis
country. He emphasized the danger
of having 1
mi ilion citizens of Chi–
nese descent - another 1
of Chinese descent who are STATE–
LESS but living in Indonesia - and a
quarter million who identify them–
se lves mostly with Communist
China. Suharto told me what a task
he faces in preventing subversion
and checking Communist propa–
ganda in his country - which, in–
cidentally, is the third largest
country in population in the
world. Only India and the United
States have a larger population.
And in India, Mrs. Gandhi has vir–
tually placed herself in the Russian
orbit by going to the Kremlin for
aid and accepting it.
The United States forces fighting
in Vietnam did not have the goal of
WINNING the war -
only of
holding the North Vietnamese and
Viet Cong forces back. U. S. with-
drawal from South Vietnam does
not in any sense mean real PEACE in
only means that U. S.
forces will not be there to STOP the
next Communist attack - whenever
the North Vietnamese decide to at–
tack again - as they
The Commuoists occasionally
suffer setbacks. Wben President Sa–
dat of Egypt expelled the Russian
military advisers, the Soviets suf–
fered a setback - a certain loss of
face. But they never QUIT!
What's Soon to
Now here is something that may
surprise you. If you want to know
to happen,
nam, all you have to do is look into
the prophecies of the Bible. Approx–
imately a third of all the Bible is de–
voted to prophecy! And
almost no
one has understood
that entire third
of the Bible!
These prophecies, mostly, reveal
future events - that is, future from
the time they were written - events
concerning nations, governments,
wars - events of national and inter–
national concern. For example, Bib–
lical prophecy tells us about Russia
and what the Soviet bloc is going to
do in the very near future. And
when you understand it, the proph–
ecies also foretold the rise to eco–
oomic and national greatness and
power of the United States and of
the British Commonwealth. They
describe graphically what is sure to