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Home Gardening...
HereAre the
Hidden Payoffs
There ore
lesser-known benefits in home
gordening which odd up to moke "growing your
fruitful, productive hobby.
Text and Photography by Jerry Gentry
teeth into a steaming–
hot ear of sweet coro, plucked
from its stalk only minutes
earlie r....
Savor hot buttered squash picked
from its vine less than one hour be–
fore ....
Taste the full-bod ied flavor of a
vine-ripened tomato ....
Impossible in our Supermarket
Age, you say?
Not al all.
fac t, these rewards
are commonplace for a small, yet
ardently successful group of people
known as home gardeners.
Now before you throw up your
hands and say "not for me," read a
little further. I t does not require a
coUege degree in horticulture or an
in a space-saving
" vertical garden" along a backyard
variety of natural stimuli for
children is just one of the many hidden
benefits of growing a family garden.
impossible number of back-break–
ing hours to enjoy the benefits
of a home vegetable garden. The
amount of work requ ired is reim–
bursed by a fruitful harvest - plus
hidden payoffs
you may
have never realized before.
Ever Toste a Really
Delicious Tomato?
Today, it is nearly impossible to
buy, for example, a vine-ripened to–
mato at the local grocery or super–
market. The reason is simply a
matter of time. transportation re–
quirements and the economics of
modero agricu ltura! production. To–
mato fields are usually far removed
from the neigh borhood grocery
store or the supermarket shelves. l t
requires at least a few days or even
weeks to harvest. pack, transport.
distribute and display tomatoes
which were harvested wholly green
or greenish-ye llow. Du r ing t his
time-lag, the toma toes turn red.