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special purpose in mind - to use
them as an example for
other na–
tions of the eartb. In fact, at that
time, God had not chosen to reveal
Himself in the same way to any
other nation, althougb He would do
so in the future. But at that time,
Israel was enslaved by a prosperous
and powerful Pharaoh, so God sent
a specially chosen rnan named
Moses to liberate them. Judging
from their reactions, however, they
didn't really want to leave Egypt all
that much.
"Why not?" you wonder, this time
"They," replies God, "preferred
to stay in Egypt rather than face the
rigors of the desert and rely on me
for protection. 1 demonstrated my
power to the Israelites time after
time when 1 delivered them from
bondage. But no sooner had 1
miraculously parted the waters of
the Red Sea and saved them from
the Egyptiao army , than they
wanted to go back!" (Exodus 16:3.)
PLAIN TRUTH Morch 1973
lost, God!"
seems to be
man's attitude
toward his Creator.
American Stock Photo
Murmuring in the De sert
You venture a comment. "I've al–
ways been under tbe impression,
Sir, that you were, weU, a little hard
on those people out in the desert-
mean, they were only human!"
Sighing gently, and with a slight
smile, God answers, "Please, when
you get borne, won't you take the
time to read my book, carefully?"
Your face burning, you assume
note taking as He continues to an–
swer your original question - which
is taking longer than you expected.
In the desert, -you learn, the lsrael–
ites complained to Moses, and also,
about Moses.
was just one thing
after another, first complaints about
no food and then no water.
"When they asked for food, I sup–
plied something special for them
called manna," explains God, "but
sorne didn't gather it when they were
told to, and consequently, broke tbe
sabbath, which was designed to give
them a much-needed weekly rest
[Exodus 16:27-28]. Once again
merciful. Even so, when they
needed water, they somebow forgot
the previous miracles and got so up–
set that they tried to blame Moses
for tbeir troubles and almost stoned
him. 1 supplied the water anyway."
(Exodus 17: 1-6.)
Comments God, "After all the
miracles 1 had performed for their
benefit, you would assume, wouldn't
you, that those people would have
realized that I was indeed leading
them by day and night? And they
really should have been convinced
that 1 was going to supply every
need they had and that I was mercí–
ful, patient and more than willing to
put up with their inadequacies and
weaknesses. But no, even after all
that , they still asked, 'Is the Lord
among us, or not?' Incredíble!"
The n There Was Mt . Sinai
God continues with His absorbing
narrative and comes to a turning
point in history. "At Mt. Sinai,"
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