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The love you receive through
God's Spirit is not mere human
love, but the very lqve of God,
which " ... is shed abroad in our
hearts by the Holy Spirit whicb is
given unto us" (Romans
Now bow does this love operate?
Christ's Word gives the true answer:
"Por this is the love of God, that we
keep His commandments:
and bis
commandments are not grievous"
(1 John
is tbrough God's love placed
us by His Spirit tbat we are able to
keep His Commandments! Through
constant Bible study, earnest prayer,
and consistent spiritual overcoming
and growth, you can yield to let
God fashion you
His spiritual im–
age, so that you can be born of Him
in the resurrection as His own son -
having His very nature.
This is,
fact, the very purpose
of your existence.
ldentit y of True
Chris tians
Down througb history, God has
always set apart those who truly
serve Him by keeping His com-
mandments and His laws. The
apos tle John was inspired to write:
"He that saith, 1 know him, and
keepetb not his commandments, is a
liar, and the truth is not in him"
John 2:4).
A person who isn' t keeping God's
commandments does not grasp the
kind of character and personali ty
that the true God is. He is not truly
"acquainted" with God! He is sirn–
ply manufacturing his own prívate
"god" out of his own imagination.
Can we believe that God means
what He says in His inspired Word?
The true God doesn' t even hear
our prayers unless we keep His com–
mandments! "And wbatsoever we
ask, we receive of him, because we
keep bis commandments, and do
those things that are pleasing
sight" (1Jobn 3:22). How many pro–
fessing Cbrisüans believe this?
Today, as the African student
perceived, millions of deceived
people worship a sentimental, man–
ufactured "god" who requires no
obedience. Tbey have been de–
ceived into believing that tbe impor–
tance of worshipping the true God
Jesus Christ?
Many, today, don't real/y know who
Jesus was, where He
from, what He
believed and taught, or what He even
looked like. They think they are wor–
shipping Jesus Christ, when in fact, they
are fol/owing \\another Jesus."
Read in this fascinating booklet about
the TRUE Jesus
the Jesus Christ of
your Bible .
See inside front cover for address of PLAIN TRUTH office
nearest you.
PlAIN TRUTH March 1973
of Creation - the God who requires
obedience to His wi ll as a pre–
requisite for receiving the gift of
eternal life - can be ligbtly set
Bu t God states: "Whosoever
transgresseth, and abidetb not in the
doctrine of Cbrist (the very teach–
ings of Jesus Himself], hath not
God. He that abideth in the doc–
trine of Christ, he hatb both the
Fatber and the Son. If tbere come
any unto you, and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your
house, neither bid him God speed:
for he tha t biddeth him God speed
is partaker of his evil deeds"
(11 John
9-1 1).
Tbose are strong words! The mal–
ter of obedience to the true God and
His law is of paramount impor–
Obedience wi/1 make you happy
your life with real inner joy.
T his obedience is wbat sets real
Cbrisüans apart from the millions
who assume that they are Christians
but wbo bave strayed far from the
simple truths taught by J esus