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of tbem remained. That left seven
more governments to come, sym–
bolízed by the last seven of the ten
horns out of this seventh head -
that ís, contínuing after the fall of
the Roman Empíre through the
Middle Ages and again in our time.
The reestablishment of the empire
occurred in A.D. 554. Remember,
the prophecy in the 13th chapter of
Revelatíon said it would continue
1260 years.
The last seven eras of government
symbolized by the last seven of the
ten horns of the Roman Empire
formed, as it were, an eighth king–
dom, which was like a continuing
part of Daniel's preceding seven
govemment heads. This is pictured
as the beast or animal, described in
the 17th chapter of Revelation.
Through the High Middle Ages, it
was called the Holy Roman Empire.
began in A.D. 554, under Justi–
nian. The second head of govern–
ment, represented by this 17th
chapter beast - or animal
Char lemagne, A.D. 800 - the
Frankish bead of state. He was fol–
lowed by the third head of state,
Otto the Great , of the German dy–
nasty. The fourth head of state was
the Hapsburg dynasty, culminating
in the reign of Charles the Great.
The tifth head of state was Napa–
lean. Napoleon's dynasty ended in
1814. These five heads ofstates were
symbolized by the first five heads of
the 17th chapter beast (of Revela–
tion). Throughout these periods of
rise and fall, religion was the most
significan! institution to provide
continuity to the Holy Roman Ero–
pire. It provided continuity when
the politica1 power failed.
Now the prophetic time in which
the apostle John appears to have
seen the next sequence of events
bis vision was approximately 1934-
1937. John wrote, "The beast that
thou sawest was, and is not; and
shall ascend out of the bottomless
pit, and go into perdition: and they
that dwell on the earth shall won–
der, whose names were not written
in tbe book of life from the founda-
after signing the treaty at Brussels, Br itain formally entered the
Common Market. This epochal event will hove tremendous impact on the future of
European union.
Alfred Hennig - Ploin
Truth Pholo
tion of the world, when they behold
the beast that was, and is not, and
yet is" (Revelation 17:8).
Now continuing, "And here is the
mind which hath wisdom. The
seven heads are seven mountains,
on which the woman sitteth. And
there are seven kings: five are fallen ,
and one
and the other is not yet
come; and when he cometh, he must
contínue a short space. And the
beast that was, and
not. even he ís
the eightb, and
of the seven, and
goeth into perdition. And the ten
horns which thou sawest are ten
kings, which have received no king–
dom as yet; but receive power as
kings one hour with the beast. These
have one mind, and sball give their
power and strength unto the beast.
These sball make war with the
Lamb, and the Lamb shall over–
come them: for he is Lord of lords,
and King of kings: and they that are
with him are called, and chosen,
and faithful" (Rev. 17:9-14).
So you see the time
as if looking forward from about
1935 to the second coming of Christ.
The ten horns on the seventh head
are yet to come, but are now begin–
ning to rise through the European
Community. These picture the final
resurrection of the Holy Roman
Empire. It was, through the Middle
Ages, and of necessity will be, a
united church and state empire.
There is no other kind of union that
can provide the unity Europe has
been seeking.
I said at the beginning, Britain's
entry into the European Commu–
nity portends a tragic situation. Brit–
ain will be faced with a dilemma.
Will she abandon Protestantism?
She will be forced todo this if she is
to have a permanent role with the
other nine that will form this United
Europe! Today's violence in North–
ern Ireland is the tragic beginníng
of a generally unforeseen religious
s truggle that will be intensified
throughout the Western world when
the European Community becomes
a united political union.
PLAIN TRUTH Morch 1973