long-range economic plans are already
more than a year under way in a
ten-year program for establishing a
common currency for European na–
tions. But
the greater problem of
achieving política! union could be
hurdled, the common currency
might be produced very quickly.
Ten - But Not Same Ten
This January 1, 1973 date marked
also the entry of the lrish Republic
and Denmark into the European
Community. For a while, ít was
scheduled to ínclude ten nations.
Norway had applied. But in a refer–
endum, Norway voted to stay out.
However, the anticipated ten would
not , in all probability, have been the
prophesied ten.
How did I know, as far back as
1927, that this coming United States
of Europe would spring up -
in our
I knew because 1saw it clearly
revealed in Biblical prophecy. Of
course it's true that almost no one
understands Biblical prophecy. But
no wonder! For almost no one un–
derstands what the gospel of Jesus
Christ is, or
prophecy the United States and
British Commonwealth are identi–
There has, of course, been much
preaching of a Gospel about Jesus
Christ. In that sense, Christ. has
been much preached to the world.
But not Hís Gospel! Not the Gospel
He personally taught.
Very few have realized that Jesus
carne with
a news announcement1
The very word "Gospel" means
"Good News." And it's made very
plain in the New Testament. Jesus
taught the good news of the King–
dom of God. Yet few have under–
stood what the Kingdom of God
really ís. You should write for our
free booklet,
Jusi What Do You
Mean .
. .
Kingdom of God?
tains vital knowledge, little under–
Jesus taught that the Kingdom of
God is the government of God,
which is going to rule all the nations
of the earth to bring world peace
and salvation with eterna! life as
God's gift. He taught that the King–
dom of God is not only the coming
world-ruling government, but also
the ruling divine family into which
we may be boro. You should also
request the free booklet,
Just What
Do You Mean .
. .
Born Again?
Nothing has been more misunder–
stood! Nothing is so important! Yet
it's very plain and clear in the Bible!
Write for these booklets and get the
surprise of your life when you see
these clear truths
in your own Bible1
Jesus gave descriptions of the
Kingdom of God. He described it in
many parables - yet for eighteen
and a half centuries, this truth -
this Gospel - was not preached to
the whole world. lt's been right ·
there in the Bible all these years! lt's
plain and clear. But
don 't ask me
why it wasn 't proclaimed to the
There is a direct and most vital
connection between this true Gos–
pel, which Christ taught, and the
uniting of ten nations in Europe.
The Gospel Jesus brought from
God - the good news He an–
nounced - was news of the future!
For that Kingdom ofworld rule was
not set up in His day, nor has it even
yet been set up! So Christ's Gospel
- this news announcement - was,
in itself,
Did you ever
wonder why approximately one
third of the Bible is devoted to
prophecy? Prophecy is directly con–
nected with the true Gospel.
The prophecies of the book of
Daniel are connected with the King–
dom of God - and therefore wíth
the Gospel.
In the second chapter of Daniel,
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
ruled over the very first world-em–
píre - the Chaldean Empire. This
was 600 years before Christ. Nebu–
chadnezzar had a most unusual
dream. God used the prophet Dan–
iel to interpret the meaning of that
dream. In it, this Chaldean king saw
a frightfully large metallic image.
Describing and interpreting it,
Daniel said: "This image's head was
of fine gold, his breast and his arms
of silver, his belly and his thighs of
brass, his legs of iron, bis feet part of
iron and part of clay. Thou sawest
ti/l .
. .
notice a time element is
introduced -
certain events oc–
cur - "... till that a stone was cut
out without hands [supematurally]
which smote the image upon his feet
that were of iron and clay, and
brake them to pieces" (Daniel 2:32-
Of course, these parts of the im–
age were symbols. But Daniel inter–
preted the symbols:
"This is the dream; and we will
tell the interpretation thereof before
the king. Thou, O King, art a king
ofkings: for the God ofheaven bath
given thee a kingdom, power, and
strength, and glory. .. . Thou art this
head of gold. And after thee shall
arise another kingdom inferior to
thee, and another third kingdom of
brass, which shall bear rule over all
the earth. And the fourth kingdom
shall be strong as iron.. .. and
the toes of the feet were part of iron,
and part of clay, so the kingdom
shall be partly strong, and partly
broken.. . . And in the days of these
kings shall the God of heaven set up
a kingdom, which shall never be de–
stroyed: and the kingdom ... shaU
stand for ever" (Daniel2:36-44).
So here in this prophecy, we see a
time sequence of
mencing with the first world empire,
600 ·years before Christ, continuing
down through time to, and pas t, our
time - even to the setting up of the
Kingdom of God. So Christ's Gos–
pel was concemed with a succession
of govemments, climaxing in the
governrilent ofGod.
The panorama of prophecy of
these same kingdoms continues in
the seventh chapter ofDaniel.
In that chapter, Daniel had a pro–
phetic dream. He saw four wild ani–
mals. The first was like a lion. The
second was like a bear, and the third
was like a leopard whích had four
heads. A fourth beast was unlike
any of the others - stronger, more
PLAIN TRUTH March 1973