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to !ove God and neighbor (which
means to obey God and treat your
neighbor as you would have him
treat you) had obviously been lost.
The Indians reluctantly ex–
changed the Great Spirit for Santa
Claus, but could not see what this
had to do with Clirist. They became
confused about j ust what the Gospel
was really supposed to be. One In–
dian chief remarked :
"Brother, you say there is but one
way to worship and serve the Great
there be but one religion,
why do you white people differ so
much about it? Why not all agree,
as you can read the book?"
Did White Men Hove a
Manifest Destiny?
The white men, while grossly dis–
obeying the teachings of the Bible,
still somehow felt they were a "cho–
sen people" fulfilling a special pur–
pose. The doctrine of Manifest
Destiny explained and justified their
attitude. It was summed up in a
statement made by the Big Horn
Association, a group ofmining mag–
nates and gold seekers of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, on March 3, 1870:
''The rich and beautiful valleys of
Wyoming are destined for the occu–
pancy and sustenance of the Anglo–
Saxon race. The wealth that for un–
told ages has lain hidden beneath
the snow-capped summits of our
mountains has been placed there by
Providence to reward the brave spir–
its whose lot it is to compose the ad–
vance-guard of civilization. ...
"The same inscrutable Arbiter
that decreed the downfall of Rome
has pronounced the doom of ex–
tinction upon the red men of Amer–
The arrogance and hypocrisy of
such an attitude is obvious. But the
falsehood is not quite so clear.
Stop to consider this proclama–
tion for a moment. Did God really
give this land to Anglo-Saxons "to
reward their brave spirits"? To an-
swer this question, we must look
into a historical section of the book
of the white man's religion, the
Anciently, the God of the Bible
spoke to a powerful and wealthy pa–
triarch named Abraham. This story
is recounted in Genesis, beginning
in chapter 12. God promised to give
material and spiritual blessings to
Abraham and to many generations
of bis descendants because of Abra–
ham's loyalty and faithfulness. God
also promised Abraham that he
would be the father of many na–
tions. The covenant relationship be–
tween Abraham and God was to
have great effect on the world, even
in modern times.
The covenant did not end witb
Abraham's death, but was trans–
mitted through his son Isaac and his
grandson Jacob, who was renamed
Israel. From Jacob was to come "a
nation and a company of nations"
(Genesis 35:11).
As time progressed, the newly
formed nation, composed of descen–
dants of Jacob's twelve sons, forgot
tbeir covenant relationship with
God. They repudiated His laws and
customs. They took on the ways of
the peoples around tbem. The his–
torical record in the Bible explains
how they went through a series of
lnvasions and finally national cap–
tivity as punishment for their indi–
vidual and national sins. Ten of the
twelve tribes disappeared from their
homeland in the Middle East long
before the Roman Empire emerged
as the dominating force on the
world scene. Millennia later, they
emerged again from obscurity to
continue receiving the very promises
given to Abraham.
Though white Americans today
know little of their origins, no one
can deny the coincidence that the
peoples of the United States and the
British Commonwealth have , in
fact, inherited the wealth and power
promised in the birthright to Abra-
ham and his descendants. No other
nationalities have become the single
greatest "nation" and the most ex–
pansive "company of nations" re–
spectively, in all of earth's history.
These are facts of history. (For more
information about white Anglo–
Saxon origins and their "manifest
destiny," write for our free booklet,
The United States and British Com–
monwealth in Prophecy.)
Anciently, God warned Abra–
ham's descendants against feelings
of arrogance, superiority and self–
righteousness, such as is displayed
PlAIN TRUTH Februory 1973