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military support
of yo11r natio1ls a/Jies.
It's discouraging to hear those same
allies chanting, "Yanks, go home":
Perhaps we can better understand why
a growing minority of Americans have
joined in a new chorus: "Yanks, come
home !" Envy, abuse and varied forms
of anti-Americanism are common
There is a big price to be paid for
policing the world - and precious
little thanks or gratitude!
What Made America Powerful?
What is it that has made America so
wealthy and powerful - the undis–
puted leader in today's chaotic, strife–
ridden world?
America's great national homeland
(her tremendous bi rthright) is a land
rich in natural resources: a plentiful
water supply, abundant deposits of min–
erals and petroleum, and sorne of the
world's richest, most productive soil.
And the U. S. is favored with a
benign dimate.
But there is something about the
Anglo-Saxon and Ulster-Scot heritagc
that has given the American peoples a
certain inborn dynamism not found in
most other peoples of the earth !
The influx of other nationalities,
which later arrived in the U. S. in large
numbers ( l rish, Germans, Scandina–
vians, Dutch, French, Italians, and
Poles, etc.), have also contributed to the
rich American heritage, giving the peo–
ples of America a truly international
heritage, out look and background.
The early immigrants to the U. S.
were an adventurous, hardworking,
devout, often-persecuted, enterprising
type who were able to make their own
way in the world, elbow to elbow with
the next fellow.
The American way of life (though
possessing many shortcomings) tends to
foster a free, dynamic civilization which
proves a spur to prívate initiative and
personal incentive. Communism, on the
other hand, teaches the individual to Jet
the Party or State make many of his
decisions for him -
thus stifling
initiative, and thereby smothering much
of the free spirit that fosters all that we
commonly refer to as progress.
But few realize the truc her itage–
the real destiny - of the United States
Th e
and the British Commonwealth of
nations. You willliod it explained in our
free book,
The United States and the
BritiJh Commonwealth in Prophecy.
Write for it.
explains the source of
U. S. wealth, power and international
America's Mission
Was America destined to police the
Notice this signilicant comment from
magazine, }une 13,
"The United States is rightly num–
bered among those nations for which a
benevolent sense of
11ational pltl'pose
or, as I prefer, of
has been a
historical necessity. We !uve been, like
the children of Israd, a 'peculiar trea–
sure.' Upon us
destiny has bestowed
specia/ favor;
of us it has therefore
asked special effort. Because meo like
Washington and Lincoln sensed this
grand truth and acted consciously upon
it, we have counted more heavily in bis–
tory than our size and wealth, however
majestic, would seem to have warranted.
"The world, we must think, would
a far different and unhappier situ–
ation today if there had never been a
United States.''
Many around the world would agree
with this sentiment. Sorne would not.
America is certainly not doing a
perfect job policing the world. But the
world would be in a chaotic, perilous
position if the U. S. weren't exercising
a worldwide policing influence. And
though the job is enormous and extreme–
ly costly, the United States has deter–
mined to pay the price.
But, Is Policing The World
Lefs examine the record. No nation
has ever successfully policed the world.
No nation or group of nations has ever
establi shed a police force capable of
guiding the world wisely, justly and in
fairness to all people.
The League of Nations, and later the
Uni ted Nations raised the world's hopes
- both proved totally inept as world
peace-keeping forces. The United States
now carries the burden, and it's becom–
ing increasingly more difficult to manage.
poking the world enough?
Is it creating peace? Will it provide a
April-May, 1970
solution to war between peoples and
nations? The obvious answer to all such
guestions is NO! Policing the world is
only providing temporary restraining
force. It doesn't solve the
It doesn't treat the
it only
struggles with the
One of the most respected military
leaders of our time, General Douglas
MacArthur, explained the situation this
way. "Men since the beginning of time
have sought peace ... military aUiances,
balances of powers, leagues of nations,
all in turn failed, leaving the only path
to be by way of the crucible of war.
The utter destructiveness of war now
blots out this alternative.
We have
om' /ast
will not devise
sorne greater and equitable system, our
Armageddon will be at our door. Thc
problem basically is THEOLOGICAL and
involves a spiritual recrudescence, and
improvement of human character that
will synchronize with our almost match–
Jess advances in science, art, literature,
and all material and cultural develop–
ments of the past two thousand years.
be of the spirit if llle
are to
save the flesh ."
These are shocking words, especially
when coming from a military man -
a man well versed in the efforts of
struggling for internacional peace.
policing the world is not the
answer. Peace on this planet demands a
greater effort. It demands a change in
the basic character of humanity, a change
in human values, a change in you and
me. Only by changing individual, per–
sonal goals and values - from concern
for self to
concern for others -
will we be able to change the coursc
of world events and iosure man's
humanity to man.
A difficult challenge? Yes! But it
be done, and it WJLL be done!
Why don't you determine to have a
part in meeting that challenge? Begin
by writing for a booklet that thoroughly
explains today's world crises - with
projectcd solutions for the future. lt's
titled "The Wonderful World Tomor–
row, What lt Will Be Like," and
sent without charge. It will open your
eyes to what the Twenty-first Century
be like.
Write for it today. You will be glad
you did!