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of smiling to yourself as you watch
him fussing and fuming in despair?
What about the grumpy waitress
who won't bring your water because
she is frustrated and over-worked?
Could you be understanding and
perhaps try to cheer her up? Do you
realize that in our mixed up society,
she may very well be a woman who
has been deserted by her husband,
is having to support two or three
little children and is now half-way
through her second job during a 16-
hour work day in order to keep her
fragmented family together?
My wife and
met such a young
woman recently. And my wife's un–
derstanding of her tiredness, and
the warmth and encouragement that
she gave this waitress seemed to
" heal" this woman's broken spirit!
In fact , she carne back over to visit
with my wife and myself on suc–
ceeding evenings, even though not
assigned as our waitress.
Jesus said, "Jt is more blessed to
give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).
In following the positive expression
of the sixth command, do you try to
give life, love and happiness as you
go along? Jf all of us did, think of
the peace, the joys, the deep and
lasting friendships and the fantastic
liberty of freedom from frustration,
fear, loneliness and apathy that we
would all enjoy.
This is the ultimate liberty of
which God speaks!
World Government Based
on True Liberty
Jf you are willing to recognize the
Ten Commandments for what they
are - a fantastic expression of !ove
and concern from the Creator of
your mind and human emotions -
you will achieve many of the liber–
ties of which we write by simply
obeying God's law. You will, of
course, have to surrender your life
to the true Jesus Christ of the Bible,
who magnified these laws so won–
derfully. You will be able to obey
the intent and purpose of God's law
only if Jesus Christ, through His
PLAIN TRUTH Februory 1973
Spirit, is living within you (John
But in any case, it will not be too
many years before a government
will be established on this earth
based upon these very laws. "But in
the lasi days it shall come to pass,
that the mountain of the house of
the Lord shall be established in the
top of the mountains, and it shall be
exalted above the hills ; and people
shall ftow unto it. And many nations
shaiJ come, and say, Come, and let
us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, and to the house of the God
of Jacob; and he
teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths:
for the law shall go forth of Zion,
and the word of the Lord from Jeru–
salem" (Micah 4: 1-2).
Yes, this "law of liberty" will be
the foundation for the rule of Jesus
Christ in the soon-coming World
Tomorrow. Men will learn to serve,
to help, and to give to one another
as God's law instructs.
What a day
will be!
Among other things, meo shall
not "learn war any more" (Micah
4:3). The Creator will even remove
the wild and vicious nature from all
creatures at that time (Isaiah 11 :6-
One striking prophecy of this
soon-coming time is found in Isaiah
32: l-2: "Behold, a king shall reign
in righteousness, and princes shall
rule in judgment. And a roan shall
be as an hiding place from the wind,
and a covert from the tempest; as
rivers ofwater in a dry place, as the
shadow of a great rock in a weary
land." Jesus Christ the Messiah will
rule all nations in righteousness and
equity - and soon there will be
world peace!
How Man Should Live
With His Neighbors
Again notice verse 2: "Anda roan
shall be as a hiding place from the
wind, · and a covert from the tem–
pest. .. ." This expresses very poet–
ically - if we make allowances for
the English translation of 1611 -
the !ove, the protectiveness and the
kindness we can expect from fellow
human beings in the World Tomor–
In a big city, when my wife or
daughters walk down the street
alone and hear footsteps behind
them, they are often Mraid. If they
aren't, in many cases they should
be. And so are millions of others in
roany of the cities of this world.
In the coming World Tomorrow
- guided by the "law of liberty" -
when my little five-year-old daugh–
ter meets a roan on a lonely street or
out in the woods, he
be to her as
a "hiding place" or a "covert" from
the tempest. If she has fallen down
or is lost, he will help her and, if
need be, bring her home again.
In that day, our wives and daugh–
ters - and we ourselves - will have
a feeling of safety, security and out–
going warmth toward our fellow
roan, a feeling that is rare indeed in
the society in which we live today.
The leading nation in the world will
be a "land of unwalled villages
.. . having neither bars nor gates"
(Ezekiel 38: 11). Just
no more
robbery, no more rape and, con–
sequently, no more locks, bars,
gates, security guards, policemen or
defense establishments. Neighbors,
as in Isaiah 32, will be willing to
help and serve and protect others
from accidents. What a different
world that will be!
Then, and only then, will the
whole world be truly liberated. lt
will be liberated, not by screaming
fanatics, but when all nations and
all roen leam there is a living God
and start fashioning their lives ac–
cording to the law of liberty re–
vealed in His Word.
Meanwhik , you ha ve your
chance to do it now and become -
through Christ in you - a leader in
that soon-coming world.
Write for your free copy of our vi–
tal booklet,
The Ten Command–
Learn more about how to
live the way all the world will be liv–
ing soon.