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The living Christ inspired James
to write: "For whosoever shall keep
the whole Jaw. and yet offend in one
point, he is guilty of all. For he that
said, Do not comrnit adultery, said
also, Do not kili. Now if thou com–
mit no adultery, yet ifthou kili, thou
art becorne a transgressor of the 1aw.
So speak ye, and so do. as they that
shall be judged by the Iaw of lib–
erty" (James 2: l0-12). There are
points to the Ten Cornrnandrnents.
If you break even one, you have
broken the whole law.
Note aiso that it is called the
of liberty.
How can a law bring lib–
erry? Let's understand.
How lt Actually Works
For simplicity's sake, let's exam–
ine a few of the last six of the Ten
Comrnandments. These tell us how
to !ove our neighbor.
How couid they bring liberty? We
shall see.
Open your own Bible to Exodus
20, verse 12. "Honour thy father
and thy rnother: that thy days may
be long upon the land which the
Lord thy God giveth thee."
Magnifying this commandment,
Jesus Christ inspired the apostle
Paul to write: "Children, obey your
Are the
parents in the Lord: for this is right"
(Ephesians 6: I).
"Wow!" sorne parents might ex–
claim. "If our children really hon–
ored and obeyed us, what a more
relaxed, peacefui, safe and happy
life we could have as a family! Why,
we could take them places without
fighting and frustration ; we couid
have pleasant family gatherings and
meals at borne. The kids would
giadiy help with the dishes, house–
work and chores. And, so very im–
portantly, they wouid respect us and
respond to our wishes conceming
the kind of friends they run around
with, the places they go, the things
they do - even the way they dress,
their hair and so on. Think of all
the hours of worry and frustration
we would be spared if our kids
really honored and obeyed us."
Parents, does it sound too good to
be true?
Don't kid yourself! Don't say it is
"irnpossible" or "out of date." To
sorne extent that commandrnent
was obeyed in rnillions of bornes in
past generations all over the world.
Even today, though they rnay break
many other spiritual principies, mii–
lions still follow that principie to a
great extent in homes in the Orient,
Ten Commandments
Sorne, by human arguments, hove tried to do
away with them. A small few hove experienced
the blessings they can bring.
Here is a book explaining plainly this inexorable living
law - soon to become the basic law of the peaceful,
prosperous, joy ful world tomorrow. Write for your copy
- free of charge.
See inside front cover for address of PLAIN TRUTH office nearest you.
PlAIN TRUTH Februory 1973
Westem Europe and other parts of
the world. Not in all homes. Not
perfectly either, ofcourse.
But to the extent that this Iaw is
obeyed, parents have "rest," con–
fidence and a fair amount of joy in
their borne and fami ly, even though
their standard of living may be Jow.
And this in spite of the fact that
most of those same parents have not
taught and trained their children in
the knowiedge of God's law to any–
where near the extent they could
and should have! Many of them,
fact, are simpiy following this prin–
cipie of God's Word without fully
realizing where it carne from.
But just like the law of gravity,
this 1aw works. You can' t "reason"
around it, act like it does not exist or
avoid it.
" Liberation" for 8oth Parents
and Children
Obviously, if parents everywhere
would teach their children to respect
these principies, there would truly
be a "Parents' Liberation" move–
ment ofunparalleled proportions!
Parents could then concentrate on
teaching, training, loving and bav–
ing delightful family activities with
their cbildren. They could quit wor-