Page 1607 - 1970S

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acion. Everyone has given up using all
robacco produces. Whar would hap–
pen co che tobacco farmer? Whar if
you were thae farmer?
One Man's Experience
Plain Truth
correspondenrs trav–
eled to Owen County, Kentucky, to
find out. Owen Coumy, located in
northeasrern Keneucky, is neither rhe
largesr producer of tobacco nor rhe
smallest, neirher rhe poorest nor rhe
richest. To an outsider, ir is a pleas–
andy rural area of small farms located
wherever the hilly topography will
Counry Agricultura! Agent in–
eroduced us ro farmers with a good
cross secrion of incomes in rhe arca,
but all having one common farming
interese - robacco.
Was there, we asked ehem, really
anyrhing they could do in order eo
survive economically wirhout ro–
The answer, in rheory, was yes.
man indicated positively that
rhere were any number of altemarives
to tobacco farming in rhe region.
Comparing Kenrucky wieh cercain of
rhe norrhern srares which have a shorc
summer season and a long, severe
winter, he suggesred rhae Kentucky
Conn - l'loin