Y Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Warning on Chocolate for Children
is common knowledge chac chocolaces and choco–
lace drinks are heavy concribucors ro roorh decay in chil–
dren. Bur chere is anochcr serious reason why children's
consumprion of chocolates and chocolate drinks should be
limiced. Chocolate conrains considerable c¡ uan riries of caf–
feine and rheobromine (a crysralline compound closely re–
laced co caffeine).
Because of chis facr, rhe American Medica! Associa–
rion Counci l on Foods and Nurririon does nor recom–
mend foods consiscing largely of chocolate or cocoa for
Caffeine is a scimulanc.
increases che amount of
urine sccreced by che kidneys, makes rhe hearc bear fascer,
and increases blood pressure. Ir is cherefore especially
harmful for children whose bodies and body organs are in
che very process of growch and developmenr.
In place of cbocolaces, chocolate dessercs, and choco–
lace drinks, one may subscicuce carob-made dessercs,
snacks, and drinks. Carob has a caste similar co sweecened
chocolate, is safer, and much more healchful.
Be Economically Sound
Before Marriage
Who hasn'c heard che cimeless proverb: "Firsr work
your farm, and rill che soi l - chen marry and ser up
house"? Yer how many of us follow chis wise advice?
In che Wescern world, mosr people do nor live on
farms and will noc be farmers. Buc che principie is sri ll
sound wherever you live.
The ability of a fururc husband ro hold clown a
sceady job or mainrain a business and provide an income
adec¡uare enough ro supporc a wife and family is exrreme!y
imporcanc. There is an inescapable relacionship becween
che job and income of a husband and marital happiness
and srability.
T he
reason is elemencary. le rakes an income from a
sready job or from a going business ro pay che rene or che
morcgage and che urilicies, ro buy che food, ro pay for che
clorhes, and ro enable a family ro have occasional enrer–
cainmenc and nighcs our. Love alone can'c pay for chese or
for any number of orher expenses rhar confronr a family
from rime ro rime.
Every young man concemplaring marriage should se–
riously and objecrively consider his economic condirion
for che good of his furure marriage. Every furure bride
should deeply weigh chis financia! factor before marrying
her romanric knighc in shining armor.
For more perrinenr informarion abouc chis imporranr
subjecc, marriage, wrirc for our free arricle, "Whar Is che
Bese Age for Marriage?"
Take Precautions Against Rape
Rape, che crime mosr feared by women, is sky–
rockecing wich no immediace end in sighr. According ro
FBI-indexed crime srariscics, che incidence of reponed rape
rosean asconishing
from 1960 chrough 1970. (The
crue rare of rape increase is chree or four rimes higher. Be–
cause of fear and embarrassmenr on che pare of rape vic–
tims, many rapes are never reponed.)
In view of chis pessimisric oudook, ir behooves
women ro cake che following precaucions againsc rape.
If single or sharing an aparrmenc wirh anorher
woman, don'c advercise ir. Use inicials rather rhan your
full name in che lobby direcrory, che cicy phone book, or
on your mail box: M. Smirh rarber than Mary Smirh.
Keep a chain on che door ar all rimes. Buy a
chain if your door doesn'c have one. Don'c open your
door for delivery men or scrangers. If rhey have a package
for you, ask rhat che package be lefc by che door.
Lock your door
if you are
going our
for a momenr.
Consider keeping a dog. Ir can provide a cerrain
degree of proceccion.
To discouragc prowlers, keep a lighc burning on
che front lawn or in che backyard.
Avoid using a laundry room in an aparrmenr–
house basemenr by yourself ar nighr.
Keep your window shades clown at nighr.
Avoid wearing revealing cloching because it
mighr incite a potencial rapist.
When driving a car, keep che car doors locked.
Park only in well-lighred parking loes ar nighr. Be sure
you lock your car when you leave ir (even if you will be
gone for jusr a few minutes). When you return to your
car, check che back seac before ger ring in ro make sure no
inrruder is hiding in wair for you.
- Potrick