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him. Under che aJtar were multirudes
of human beings. They appeared
dead, and yet alive. What John heard
from chem made it clear that they had
been slain as victims of religious per–
secution. Tbey cried out with a loud
wail, "How long, O Lord, holy and
true, dosc tbou noc judge and avenge
our blood on chem chac dwell on che
earch?" (Revelacion 6:10.)
Immediacely after chis John saw
Jesus Chrisc cear off che seal of che
scroll in bis hand. Suddenly, in chis
cocal-experience vision, John's body
became a mass of guivering fiesh, a
viccim by vision of che mosc violenc
earchguake ever experienced by man.
Simulcaneously, he saw che sun be–
come black, che moon rurn blood-red
and screaming meceors scrike che
earth. The very scars from heaven ap–
peared co fall ro earch.
Then ir seemed as if sorne super–
natural force lifced John from che face
of che earch. Like sorne ascronauc,
beheld che orb's cocaliry. Islands were
being sucked inro che sea. Mouncains
becamc valleys. Valleys became
Then che scene abruptly changed.
J ohn found himself able co
earch from a vancage poin c as chough
were in a wacchcower placed
sguarely in an amphicheacer filled
wich uccerly frighcened humans.
heard voices and echoes and
of one cerrified cry, "Fall on us, and
hide us from che face of him chac sic–
cech on che chrone, and from che
wrach of che Lamb" (Rev. 6:16).
John rurned away and che humans
Ir was sunny again and he recog–
nized che beach ac Pacmos. Shocked
and shaken,
chrew himself on che
sand. Buc his mind raced back, back
ro chac time long ago when be was
on che mounrain wich che Masrer. He
remembered His words:
" Immediarely afccr che cribulation
of chose days shall che sun be dark–
ened, and che moon shall noc give her
lighc, and che scars shall fall from
heaven, and che powers of che heav–
ens shall be shaken: and chen shall ap–
pear che sign of
Son of man in
heaven: and chen shall all che cribes of
rhc earch mourn , and they shall see
che Son of man coming in thc douds
of heaven wich powcr and greac
glory" (Mace. 24 :29-30).
The Sequence
Now John underscood whac he
had experienced by vision. He kncw
from che words of Jesus chac firsc
REVELATION is the one Book IN the
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chere would be false prophecs roam–
ing che earch, coupled wich wars of
incredible magnicude, leading c6
worldwide famines and pescilences.
Then would come an incredible reli–
gious persecucion. On whom, when
and for whac reason he did noc yec
underscand. Bu
he would soon.
Nor ar chac momenc did he per–
ceive chac soon, very soon, he would
experience che most dreadful of all
che visions: che evencs of che Greac
Day of the Wrach of God.
Soon afcer rhese propheric scenes,
John knew chat he was going ro ex–
perience anorher vision.
T he
blue of che sky melced away from his
eyes. His feec no longcr felc che hoc
sand. His ears no longer heard che
rush of che Aegean Sea.
John firsc caughc a glimpse of four
angels standing on whac appeared ro
be fo ur symbolic corners of an orb he
idencified as rhe earch. Lacer in che vi–
sion, he wirnessed Chrisc open che
sevench seal. Buc when che seal was
opened, noching happened.
still and peaceful for one half hour.
Suddenly, seven angels darced inro
view, eacb wich a trumpec. As they
sounded cheir crumpets, imaginacion–
defying carasrrophes devascaced che